Chapter Seven

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It had been three weeks since you got your job at Hogwarts, everyday seemed the same and started to blend together really. Nothing new was happening, you'd go to Snape's class, observe him as he taught, you ate lunch, had a few more classes, then dinner.

At dinner you and Snape would speak of the day to come, what the students would learn and how he'd teach it. You actually started to grow closer with the man, but you still hadn't made him laugh.

Lucius sent you letters asking about all that was going on in the school and you had no answer for him. The only thing that was happening was the Ministry was sending Umbridge to watch over the classes that were taking place in December, which was two months from now.

You were pretty nervous about it because Snape would let you teach some of his older classes occasionally. You knew that once Umbridge started to observe his class he was no longer going to let you do it.

One of the things you'd come to learn that is that Snape was a fast walker. Therefore you changed your wedges into some combat boots. You still wore your leather jacket, but traded your shirt and jeans for a black dresses to make you look less like a muggle and more professional.

Once you got to Snape's office you sat down and stole the newspaper off his desk. "That lady is going to drive me crazy." you mumbled, propping your feet up on Snape's desk and read over the newspaper. "She has no fashion sense. Pink on pink... not it."

Snape didn't usually listen to what you were saying when you spoke of fashion, knowing he wasn't going to understand ninety percent of it. He pushed your feet off his desk, "At least she dresses more professionally than you do." he commented. You rolled your eyes, "You have no room to talk. You wear the exact same outfit everyday."

"At least little boys aren't trying to peak up my skirt."

You chuckled and swatted the paper at him, "You'd be surprised about how many girls I catch undressing you with their eyes."

"You pay attention to them?" Snape said, raising his eyebrows at you.

Touche. He had you there, you only knew the man for three weeks but every since he stood behind you in the potions classroom on your first day he was all you could think about.

"Well they also give me the evil eye. Some students... ship... us." You leaned back in your chair and looked deep into his mahogany eyes.

"Do I want to know what that means?" Snape asked cautiously, snatching the newspaper from your hand to read it.

You chuckled softly, "It means they can see us having a relationship."

Snape smirked softly and shook his head, "Teenagers." he said, actually reading the paper.

You shrugged and leaned back. "I guess.." You whispered, closing your eyes. You and Snape stayed up the night prior planning emergency lessons for when Umbridge decided to poke her head into the classroom. You were exhausted and yawned, stretching your arms out.

Snape watched you with a soft smile on his face. Deep inside that dark facade of his he could feel he was getting to like you, become more interested in your childhood and really... just you. You didn't know this of course but if you did you would probably use it to your advantage.

"Would you like-" Snape was suddenly interrupted by Umbridge opening the office door. Snape stood and looked at her, "Dolores. Do you not know how to knock?" He barked.

Umbridge cocked her head to the side and smiled, "Was I interrupting something? If so I'm sure the both of you need to take that up with the Headmaster." She chirped.

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