Chapter Thirty

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In the morning you woke up to a headache and eyes staring at you. You pulled your towel up and slowly look in the direction in which you were being stared at.

"Want some chocolate?" Remus held a bar of chocolate out to you and you shook your head softly. He nodded and tucked it into his pocket. "Pads had to pop downstairs... been here since three o'clock this morning. Had to get some caffeine in him."

You sat up and nodded softly, going over to your dresser, and dropping your towel. Remus blushed and looked away quickly. "I haven't been here long..." you whispered, laying your head down on the cold wood. You slowly got dressed.

"We assumed so. Didn't hear you come in last night but then again we were pretty busy." Remus cleared his throat.

"I apperated. Had to get out of the suffocating place that was Severus' home. I'm sure you've heard about the mudblood family... Cissy and Bella kidnapped me and took me to Severus' home after. Too late to prevent it." you gripped the dresser.

Remus' eyes got wide and he blinked, "That was you...?"

You nodded and held back tears as you held your red hands up to Remus. He took them in his own hands and kissed them softly, "R-Remus...? A-Am I still pretty...?" You stuttered. Remus looked at you with sad eyes and pulled you into his chest.

"Now darling whatever would give you the impression that you were no longer beautiful? I'm afraid your source is entirely mistaken..." Remus rubbed your back and rested his head on yours. Even your boyfriend couldn't say that but your brothers boyfriend could.

You cried into Remus' chest and he held you in a comfortable silence, not wanting to ask more questions than you were comfortable with.

Once your tears ceased Remus looked down at you and wiped your face, "Come on... let's get some coffee and clean you up..."

You nodded softly and stood up, wiping your nose and eyes, going downstairs. Sirius was asleep on the counter, still standing up. Remus looked at him and sighed. Sirius' loud snores filled the room. "Pads... come on... let's go upstairs and get you in bed... alright?" Remus kissed Sirius' cheek and he groaned softly.

"Carry me..." he grumbled and Remus sighed.

"Come on... we use our pads!" Remus picked him up from the counter and helped him walk up the stairs. You watched them slowly and walked to the coffee pot, pouring yourself a cup. You got up on the counter and stared into the oblivion in front of you.

Severus' words echoed in your ears, You are an animal! It was almost like he forgot you were ordered to do this. It was then in your search through your mind you remembered a name. Lilly. You never got to find out who Lilly was, you were too caught up in snogging your boss to ask Avery about her.

You placed your mug down and wondered if Remus and Sirius would know about this girl, probably not because she was apparently Severus' old love interest.

You opened Sirius' bedroom door to find the both of them roughly making out, just like the first time you'd found them. Sirius had his hand up Remus' shirt and you smacked your hand over your eyes.

Remus looked to you and immediately pushed Sirius to the floor, clearing his throat and wiping his lips. Sirius furrowed his brows and stood, rubbing his head, "You could have just said you didn't like me making your lip bleed! You used to love a bit of iron to start your day."

Remus' face turned a bit pink and he sighed, "G-Girl Pads." He pointed to you and Sirius turned around smiling cockily. "Heyyyyy! Come on in! The room is warm." Sirius smiled and played with his robe

"I bet. Smells like testosterone." You uncovered your eyes and sat beside Remus on the bed.

Sirius laughed loudly and shook his head, "Mm mm... that's weed. I just had my presex joint and I'm ready." Remus looked away and rubbed his head, really wanting to keep this to themselves.

You rubbed his arm softly, "I have a question for you both..."

Remus looked at you, genuinely questioning. Sirius just really looked high off his ass, wanting to get back to Remus. "Who is Lilly?"

Sirius jumps up and hooked his arms around Remus' neck, "OOO OO My turn! My turn! Right baby? My turn?"

Remus sighs deeply and grabs Sirius' hand, removing it from his shoulder and holding it in his lap, more of an attempt to keep him still than anything. "Darling remember what we said about volume during serious conversations."

Sirius frowns and looks down at their hands, "I'm excited is all..." You smiled softly at the pair, trying to get out of their hair as quickly as possible.

Remus kisses his temple and rubs his hand. "Now Y/N...what's made you interested in knowing about Lily? Has Severus said something to upset you?"

Sirius lunged forward a bit, "I swear if he-"

"No... I just- I remember something Myrtle said about her... that she may be a weakness to Severus? I'm not sure..."

Remus nods and looks at his lap, seemingly searching for an answer. "Lily...was...our friend...a great one at that...incredibly hard working too. She was childhood friend of Severus'...they went their separate ways in school..."

Sirius rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Snivellus was obsessed with Lilly and it drove her away. It was unhealthy and caused many conflicts. Me and James tried to drive Snivellus away allll the time but he'd never break. You remember when we put those bugs in his bed fifth year Mooney? That was priceless."

You furrowed your brows and looked to Remus, almost searching for an answer.

Remus shoots Sirius a look from hell and then his expression softens as he turns back to you. "Severus was in love with her... from a young age... yes... but I wouldn't say he was obsessed with her. He was very unhappy with Lily's interest in James... voiced it to her... she overlooked of course because she... loved him." Remus seemed to pause and think about his choice of words. "Or at least... liked him a lot." He sighs. "She's Harry's mum... died protecting him from must have crushed Snape."

You nodded softly and almost felt like you were going to throw up, "W-Why wouldn't he tell me...?" You accidentally said out loud.

Sirius furrowed his brows and reached over to his bedside, pulling out a grinder. "Why would he? The man is a closed book. Doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. It's how he's always been.. only ever opened up to Lilly. Told her everything apparently."

" gentle darling, please." Remus half-laughed out of embarrassment and pity. "Y/N... Severus is a complicated man...but I'm sure everything he's done and for your own good." Even though it appeared to hurt Remus to admit, he did trust that Severus knew what he was doing.

"Right... well I'll leave you two... before Sirius' high runs out... I uh... need to go get some air..." you smiled a bit and kissed Remus' cheek, "Thanks for everything... I really appreciate it..."

Remus smiled softly and nodded, turning his attention to your brother and kissing his cheek.

Sirius smirked at him evilly, "She's considerate." He mumbled before you quickly hightailed it out of there, not wanting to watch them gaze into each other's eyes for much longer.

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