Chapter Fourty One

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You dreaded today. It had been three weeks since you'd gotten back from Azkaban, every day being the same. You felt Severus get out of bed and you didn't move, you didn't even open your eyes. You just wanted to stay in bed. Today you were going back to meet with the Death Eaters to collect the prophecy.

You somehow didn't feel whole today, you felt as if a part of you was empty, you had a horrible gut feeling and you didn't like it. It was very unsettling. Severus had already gotten dressed and when he saw you hadn't risen from bed he sat down in front of you, rubbing your cheek softly.

"It's time to get up darling..." he whispered into your ear, still having that morning growl. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up at him, a sad look on your face, "Do I have to do it Severus?"

Severus looked down and nodded, kissing your head, "You do... you know you do..." he kissed away at your forehead and you swatted him away.

"Can I at least have a pick-me-up? Before I go?" You sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck.

Severus chuckled softly and kissed you, "Well I don't see why not." You smiled and you two did just that, all the frustration you'd been saving up from Azkaban and even before then you let go. Severus let you take control of him just for this reason.

When the both of you finished you got up with a groan, going to your wardrobe. You looked at your old Death Eater uniform, dread coursing through your veins, shooting around your body in waves.

You took the uniform from the closet and turned back to Severus, he wrapped you in his arms and laid his head on top of yours. "Shh... it'll all be alright..."

You looked into Severus' eyes and frowned, leaning up and kissing his lips, "I love you..." you whispered.

Severus closed his eyes and kissed your head once more, sitting there in silence, your hands dropped from his side and you stepped away from him, looking down.

Severus reached out and grabbed your chin, tilting it up. "I love you too.." he placed a kiss to your head and you smiled softly, hearing the words from his lips. You hugged him once more before he had to go to work. You stood in the room, looking at the door he just walked out of. That could possibly be the last time you'd see him.

You put on your uniform and looked at yourself in the mirror, it fit nicely again. You walked to the fireplace and put your hair up before using floo powder to go to Malfoy Manor. People were sitting in the living room, laughing and cutting up.

The Lestrange brothers sat on either side of Bella on the couch, Lucius standing behind them. The room fell silent when you entered the room, everyone looking at you. "(Y/N)..." Lucius finally spoke up, "Sorry for your loss. We shall avenge his memory tonight. Hmm?" Lucius held out his hand and you nodded softly, shaking it.

"For Avery." You whispered. You looked to Bella she was staring at your Azkaban tattoo, observing the letters and numbers.

"SS121." She stood and ran her long, thin finger across the tattoo. "I like it." She smirked, letting your face go. You chuckled nervously and walked over to the minibar, getting a glass of fire whiskey and choking it down.

"Sorry if I'm a bit off... I haven't been myself recently." You admitted, "I have a killer headache." You sat down on the couch beside Rabastan, he looked at you, a slight smirk on his face.

"I'm sure we can fix that right up darling. You did just lose your only outlet." His hand snaked up to your thigh and you looked at him, bringing the voice of your Anamagi forth, roaring in his face. Rabastan cringed and recoiled, "Sorry." He muttered, looking away.

You looked behind you to Lucius who was just shocked, "Alright people. Let's get this plan in motion. I want Lestrange brothers and (Y/N) masked, they have yet to see your faces, me and Bella on the other hand... well... it doesn't matter. Remember we do not cause unnecessary harm to Mr. Potter, only his friends. Understood?"

You nodded and laid back, putting your feet up on Rabastan, your head resting in Bella's lap. "So... how is our nephew doing in school?" Bella played with your hair and you sighed.

"Well three weeks ago I gave the Slytherin's tango lessons. He took well to it, you should get him some substantial lessons Lucius, you know how much they can come in handy. Staying on your feet and all..."

Lucius grunted and filled your glass again, "I wouldn't get too excited. My son is too busy for such lessons."

"Yeah. Too busy snogging the girls you prey on." Bella teased, you laughed and Lucius' face twitched.

"At least I find pleasure outside my marriage." Lucius snarled, looking at Rodolphus, he rose from the couch and looked at Lucius, staring him down.

"I don't have go seek the approval of others to get my fill. Me and my wife are perfectly fine. I don't have to go slumming it with seventeen year olds who don't know any better. A cherry not worth popping." That was the most you'd heard the usually demure man speak in a long time.

Lucius drank from the bottle and shook his head, clenching his jaw. "Alright people. Let's get this show on the road."

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of posting! I had my phone taken away because I made a 40 on a math test like the smart little cookie I am. 🤠 Anyways, because of this my mom also made me delete tiktok so this is my only social now! 🤠 Anyways, I hope everyone is well! Getting close to the end of this story!

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