Chapter Nine

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A man with curly hair stepped out from behind the big globe and your heart dropped, "Sirius...?"

Sirius sighed loudly and closed the gap in between the two of you, bringing you into a tight hug. You wanted to cry, it was your brother! You hugged him and laid your head on his shoulder.

"I- I thought I was the only one left..." you whispered. Sirius pulled away from the hug, "Me too Little Cub..." That was your nickname that Sirius gave you when you two were kids, it was after your Patronus, a black panther. You'd completely forgotten about the nickname until now.

"W-what happened Sirius...?" You rubbed his arms and he sighed, sitting down on a small bench, looking out to the stars. "Regulus became a Death Eater and died a coward. I ran away after being beat to a pulp. They never told you out of fear you'd rebel against the family name. But then again... not telling you made it worse, did it not?"

You looked to your brother and your left arm itched. When you didn't answer Sirius he grew worried, "Little Cub.." He whispered, grabbing your left hand softly.

"Don't." You barked. Sirius hesitated, "Why not darling...?"

Your jaw clenched and you looked at his hands on your arm.

"It's there... isn't it?" Sirius didn't seem to judge.

"I was a teen left with no one. The only one on the tree was Bella... I- I- she-"

"I know my cub... I know... but I'm here now... I'm not going anywhere." Sirius pulled you into a hug.

"I'm still in the circle brother... Lucius... he assigned me here..." Sirius' warm hand rubbed your back softly, it was pretty cold in the tower.

"Then you don't do what the Malfoy says. You resent him. I can feel it... you become your own person. Join the Order... we're teaming to fight The Dark Lord." Sirius tilted your chin up softly and smiled at you. "You belong here. I know you do. It was stupid for mother to send you away... so for once... win a battle. Fight the noble and right way."

"It isn't that easy Sirius... I can't just quit."

Sirius shakes his head, almost frantically. "I didn't say you had to. That mark is important... and I know exactly who you need to talk to. Speaking of which!" Sirius stood and turned around, "Lumos." His wand illuminated and Sirius smiled widely, "Since when did you get an invite to the party, Snivellus?" Sirius brought his wand up and Snape's face appeared in the darkness.

Snape scowled at the nickname, "I'd advise you to lower your wand Black. We wouldn't want it to be like 1979 again."

Sirius chuckled nervously and lowered his wand, tucking it away. Snape stepped into the light, his eyes flashed to you with a ping of concern and you nodded to assure him you were alright.

"You two know each other... fantastic!" Sirius walked behind you and forced your sleeve up your arm, revealing your Dark Mark. Your breath hitched and Snape's eyes grew a bit wide. You could hear his gulp. "She needs your help Sniv- Severus... You need to show her it isn't worth it."

You were horrified and Snape looked up at you, frowning. His brows were furrowed and he saw how much you hated that Sirius brought your mark to light. He stepped forward, his chest was almost touching yours. In one smooth motion he grabbed your arm from Sirius and put you behind him.

Snape looked down at your brother, "I'll help her but know Sirius... that isn't your secret to tell. The Order will find out when she tells them. Not when you inform them about it. Understood?" Snape snapped, Sirius smiled fakley and nodded, "Of course Severus." He walks to you and kisses your head, "Until next time Little Cub."

Sirius turns into his dog form and bounds out of the Astronomy Tower.

You sigh deeply, it being a bit shaky. Snape turns back to you, you looked away to avoid his eyes. "You don't have to say anything... I wouldn't expect you to."

You didn't, you just leaned into his chest, hugging him. You could feel his muscles tense for a second before he relaxed and wrapped his arm around your waist. You both sat there in silence for a while in the hug. It was something you needed and Snape knew that.

"Would you still like a tour around the castle?" Snape whispered, looking down at you.

You nodded softly and stepped away from the hug. Snape lead you out of the tower. He took you down many halls and told you which part of the castle you were in every so often.

"Why were you in the Astronomy tower Severus?" You interrupted him when he was talking about some book that he was reading when he was a kid.

Snape cleared his throat, "I didn't find you in your room and I got worried. I used Appare Vestigium. Showed me where your footprints were."

You nodded softly and put your hands in your pockets. "That was brave... I could have been in grave danger..."

Snape shook his head, "It wouldn't matter. Grave danger or not I was determined to find you and I did."

You chuckled softly and looked up at him, "Thank you..." You nudged his arm with your elbow and he smiled. You'd never seen him smile like that, you'd only every seen the corner of his lip tilt up. But this time you could see a sliver of his teeth.

You giggled softly and grabbed his collar. You backed into the wall and leaned up, connecting your lips. You felt Snape flinch slightly but then he leaned into the kiss, his hands coming up to hold your face. You pulled away and looked into his eyes. Your faces were close and his nose was brushing against yours. He searched your eyes and you smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow Severus.."

You pushed yourself away from him and turned the corner, going back to your chambers. You locked your door and screamed with joy, maybe this was something new, or maybe it was a complete mistake.

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