Chapter Fourty Six

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With that Minerva's face fell, "And you were sick apperating?" She walked over to you quickly. You nodded and wiped your mouth. Minerva looked back and forth between you and Severus, "Darling... I'm afraid..." she cleared her throat, "You're pregnant."

You stood there in disbelief for a moment but then realized some things. Why would Kreature be forcing you to eat and drink properly? Why would he keep you away from all alcohol? You never got sick when apperating, and not to mention not being able to transition.

You felt sick again and Severus squeezed your hip. You dashed to the bathroom and shut the door, sliding down the door, putting your face in your palms. This couldn't be happening, this shouldn't happen, you couldn't be pregnant, you had an entire life in front of you.

After a few minutes of sitting there, thinking deeply of all the possibilities you heard a soft knock at the door.

"Darling...?" Severus whispered, "Darling... please come out..." he pressed his head to the oak door, his eyes tracing the wood pattern.

You sniffled softly, trying to remain as still as possible, maybe if you didn't move you'd just disappear, everything would go away, you'd be free of this pain.

Severus sighed softly, you heard the breath leave his nose. "You must be... terrified..." he said, his gruff voice carrying a monotoned tone. "But I believe it's time we talk more about... my past." He seemed to choke, almost not wanting to say it, not wanting to remember it.

You looked up, picking away at your fingers, you drew your wand and unlocked the door. Severus came in after hearing the lock click. He didn't say anything, just sat beside you, staring forward, just like yourself.

Severus leaned back a bit, spreading his legs out on the floor in front of him. You glanced at him and grabbed his hand, "Talk to me..." you whispered.

Severus didn't know you knew about his past, only Dumbledore knew that you knew of his father. "My father was Tobias Snape. A muggle. Married my mother, Eileen Prince, a pureblood. She introduced me to potions." Severus held your hand tightly. "They were never in love. Despised each other since day one, only married because my mother was abandoned by her family. They both came to an agreement that without each other they'd both end up alone. And apparently... being stuck with someone for the rest of your life is better than having no one at all."

Severus' jaw clenched and he looked away from you, "We were very poor. My mother was too scared of my father and his hurtful words and violent hands to ever seem to care too much about me. I had to fend for myself for most of my life, had to grow up a lot quicker than the other children. Which caused me to be an outcast of course." Severus seemed to stare through the wall. "Seemed to care more about fighting than anything else. Once I got older I saw how cruel my father was to my mother. It tore me to shreds to see a man treat a woman like this, when I was young I thought this was normal of course. Anyway... Lilly showed me how wrong this was... and I started to become a bit too brave. I started to step in front of my mother, at first only defusing the situation... but once my father caught on he used me against my mother. The burns on my arms? From him. Broken beer bottles, shattered picture frames, barbed rope. When I joined the Death Eaters... Voldemort took all those scars away, but he insisted on keeping the Burns, said it was a lesson well learned."

Severus sighed and seemed to be done with his story. You laid your head on his shoulder and he rested his own on yours. "Never. Never. Let me end up like my father..." he whispered. You shook your head and held his hand with both of yours now.

"You're Severus Snape. Not Tobias. You are so much better than your father." You whispered back, just sitting in silence for a while before Severus got up and hugged you tightly. You smiled softly and closed your eyes. This was a new adventure for both of you.

"Ready to go home?" Severus whispered and you held him tightly, nodding. Severus nodded once and apperated away, immediately grabbing you a can. You shook your head and stabled yourself on the wall. You were at Severus' house in Spinners End.

You sat down in his big brown chair and sighed softly, trying to clear your brain of all the thoughts swimming around in it. You were going to have a kid, a halfblood. Your shoulders relaxed and Severus sat in front of you, "I'm going to be a father..." he uttered, spacing out.

You giggled softly and kissed his head, "Yes you are... a brilliant one at that."

Severus looked back at you, "You think so?" He whispered. You nodded softly and kissed him.

"Yes. You're going to be an amazing father."

Severus turned back to look at the fire and nodded, smiling, "He's going to come out you holding a potion bottle."

You laughed and shook your head, "He?"

Severus shrugged, "He."

You rolled your eyes and got up, "Whatever they are they're going to be amazing..." You smiled and Severus nodded.

"Of course they will be. They're my child." He got up and wrapped his arms around you, "This will be a long ride."

You nodded, "Long ride indeed. But it doesn't matter... because we love each other... right?"

Severus nodded, "We do."

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