Chapter Thirty Two

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You walked around the house aimlessly, running your hands along the walls. You stopped, with you came to a doorframe. You looked to the placard, "Orion and Walburga Black." Your parents room. You carefully opened the door and looked around.

The first memory that came to mind was when you'd run in here and attempt to crawl into bed with your parents, seeing Reglus do it many times. Your mother would scowl at you and turn back towards your father, telling you to go back to your room.

When you were little you were always aware of your parents resentment towards you, you knew you were a simple mistake, another reason why they didn't let you come back home when they sent you off to France.

You looked around the dresser at the many pieces of jewelry that lay on it. You picked up a piece, it had a B on it, it was what your father gave your mother for a wedding gift. Black diamonds and silver shined in the moonlight. It was in perfect condition because your mother never wore it.

You put it into your pocket and turned to walk out, Sirius stood at the door. You flinched slightly, not expecting someone to be there. He was in a three piece suit, a letter was in his hand, a letter from Harry Potter, entitled, "Inside Severus Snape's mind."

You furrowed your brows and Sirius cleared his throat, "Have a seat (Y/N)." Sirius used the letter to point to the bed and you complied, not sure what was going on. "Out of all the men in the world. You. My sister. Decide to shag Snivellus."

If you had water you would of absolutely drenched your brother from spitting it out. "Sirius..." you whispered, your face going red. Sirius didn't say anything he just thrusted the letter into your face.

You carefully took it from him and started to read to yourself. "Out loud." Sirius ordered.

You took a deep breath and nodded, "Dear Sirius. I have written this letter to you in great urgency and hope Hedwig carries it to you quickly. As you know a certain wizard has been giving me Occlumency lessons for the past month. Today I found it was possible to enter the man's mind on my own. When I did so on a particular day I couldn't help myself but stare at the man in utter horror. I regret to inform you that..." you read ahead a bit and your heart dropped. "That your sister had engaged in a rather intimate act with Professor Severus Snape... more than... once..." you trailed off, not wanting to read further.

Sirius plucked the letter from your fingers and Remus walked by the door, his eyes going wide at Sirius' appearance. "I- darling let's get you out of the suit.." Remus walked to Sirius and he put his finger in Remus' face, "No. Stop. She's sleeping with Snivellus."

Remus looks to you and nods, "Alright?"

"Remus! Are you kidding me? Sni-"

"Alright Sirius... let's calm down. Stop calling him Snivellus... we're grown men. Not children. Your sister is an adult as well... and if she sees something in Severus that is completely ok. We look past the past and gander into the future with wonder. I know you've never liked the man but he's apparently charismatic enough to get your sisters attention." Remus kissed Sirius' forehead softly and Sirius frowned.

"Fine... then I want to meet my brother in law."

"We aren't marr-" you were cut off by Sirius to no surprise.

"I want to meet Severus. I want us to all transform into our Anamagi and go have a visit."

You sighed, you and Severus were not only on the greatest of terms, but transforming would cause immense pain. But you couldn't say no, it would make your relationship with Severus look bad. "Fine."

Remus nodded quickly and grabbed Sirius' arm. "We'll be right back. I'd like to speak with Pads before." He pulled Sirius out of the room and you nodded, this was perfect. You thought about transforming and the process started, beginning this time with your legs, that usually happened halfway through.

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