Chapter Twenty One (NSFW)

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(Please ignore any errors, I'll iron them out later but I can't find the time right now and I wanted to get this out to you guys! If you find any don't be afraid to comment, it'll help me 😂)

You drew yourself a bath in Snape's quarters and got in. While in the bath you wrote to your brother telling him you got home safely. You didn't know if he was going to read it but it really didn't matter.

You thought about all that you and Dumbledore talked about and how you had to show Lucius fake memories to throw him out of your mind. You were so hungry for Snape you almost couldn't stand it anymore.

You thought back to the night that you first had sex. The man was so delicious. You could tell he was a bit self conscious, he didn't remove his shirt but god did you love a dad bod. If you demanded him to stay in the bath maybe he would strip completely and let you appreciate him, but then again, you weren't going to pressure him.

You heard his door open and you immediately got into stealth mode and didn't move a muscle. You heard Snape's low humming and smiled, it was soothing. Snape walked into his bathroom and you smiled at him, not saying anything.

He looked at himself in the mirror and rubbed his hand across his face, feeling a stubble on his chin. "The things I do for women." He mumbles.

"I think you should grow it out. It'll look sexier." You comment. He jumps and looks at you. "Darling! I- wow... look at that..." he was taken aback by you in his tub. "May I?" He approaches the tub and he pulled his sleeve back, hovering his hand above your stomach.

You nod and smile, "I'm yours..."

Snape softly touches your stomach and runs his hand up to grasp your neck. You extend your neck and keep eye contact with him. "Come get in... the water is fine..." you smirk and his eyes flicker to yours. The tub was big enough to accommodate the both of you.

"Are you sure?" He asks softly and you nodded, bringing him in for a kiss. You ran your hands through his soft hair and Snape immediately took dominance over your mouth, missing the way you tasted. You hummed and held his chin as he started to undress.

You pulled his hair a bit and Snape let out a soft gasp, you saw he was done unbuttoning his shirt and tunic so you pushed it off of his shoulders. You pulled away from the kiss and looked over his body. Snape tried you get you back into the kiss but you held him back by his chest.

"How are you so fucking hot." He was slim, but also muscular. He didn't have abs but his shoulders and collarbones were so defined. "Holy hell... look at that V-line." You grabbed his hips, you couldn't get enough of his body.

You pulled him into a rough and needy kiss. Your eyes fell on his shoulders and biceps there were little circle burns from cigarettes. Snape didn't see you looking at his shoulders and you pulled him into a hug. He hummed and you saw more down his back and shoulder blades.

You didn't want to ruin his good mood so you reached down to Snape's trousers and unbuttoned them with one hand.

He helped you pulled them down off of his legs, along with his underwear. You got him into the bath and he hovered over you. You adjusted so your legs wrapped around his hips comfortably.

"No foreplay... I need you Severus..." you whispered, breathless from the kiss. Snape raised a brow, "None?" You shook your head and he nodded, you had patience with him because you knew he just wanted to be sure. He moved your hips forward a bit and his tip rested at your entrance.

He slowly pushed into you and your grip tightened on his shoulders. You moaned and closed your eyes as he stretched you out again, "Fuck I missed you..." you called out, biting your lip.

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