Chapter Fourty Two

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When you arrived at the Ministry you and Rabastan were assigned to the outskirts of The Hall of Prophecy. You still had that sick feeling within your stomach but you brushed it off, not wanting to claim the negative energy from within.

"You get that side, I'll go opposite. Cover more ground." Rabastan nodded and you turned into your Animagi, bounding across the long empty halls that seemed to be endless. You seemed to get lost in the hall, keeping your shoulder on the wall. In the far distance you hear Lucius speaking of Harry's scar. The children were there.

"I've waited fourteen years." Harry's accent chimed.

"I know..." Lucius mused. You stayed away from the big confrontation, Lucius and the others had this down, you just wanted to do as less as possible.

"Guess I could wait a little longer. Now!" Harry yelled, all of his friends screaming stupidfy. You cringed and looked in the direction in that the spells came from, galloping there. You saw Harry and his friends running away. You are a predator, they're your prey. You thought, taking off after them.

"Harry! We have a problem!" Ron wined, looking back at you. Harry glanced back and Neville raised his wand, "Stupidfy!" He yelled, sending you sliding back on your paws, all the way to a wall.

Lucius came around to you and grabbed you in between your shoulders, forcing you back on your feet, "Get up you grimy animal! We have work to do." He hissed, activating his unassisted flight. You took a deep breath and just watched as the children absolutely destroyed these people who were twenty to thirty years older than them.

"Reducto!" Ginny yelled, sending thousands of prophecy's to the ground, shattering them. You looked at the blue smoke floating to the top wide eyed and saw that the shelves were crumbling to the ground.

While running out of there you saw Rabastan on the ground. You picked him up by his shirt and turned him over, pressing on his chest in increments. He breathed deeply sitting up, you nodded at him once and Lucius and Bella approached the both of you. Bella looked like she was having good fun. "Let's get those kids." Lucius hissed, looking at the door they exited out of.

They all activated their unassisted flight aside from Lucius. He looked down at you and nodded once. You growled and the both of you simply walked to the door, falling to the Death Chamber. All of the Death Eaters seized Harry's friends, holding them at wand point.

You walked slowly behind Lucius, keeping your head low. Lucius chuckled softly as he approached Harry. He was being cocky and you didn't like it. "Did you actually think.... or where you truly naïve enough to think... that you stood a chance against us?" Lucius rounded around Harry, standing behind him.

"I'll make this simple for you Potter." Lucius held his hand up to the boy, your tail wrapped around Lucius' leg discreetly so he would 'accidentally trip on air'. "Give me the prophecy now... or watch your friends.. die."

Harry looked around to his friends, really thinking hard about his choice. He looked down to you, his eyes scared and unsure. A low growl resonated out of your chest and Harry quickly looked away from you, turning back to Lucius.

He held the blue sphere up to Lucius, "Don't give it to him Harry!" A very bold Neville yelled from side, Bella shut him up and Lucius raised his brows at the Potter boy. Who hesitantly placed it in his hand. Lucius smirked proudly the silence in the room was deafening.

Lucius held the sphere up, taking a deep breath, he had it and he was to deliver it to Voldemort. Your tail slowly unraveled from his ankle and you turned around, ready to leave.

There was a flash of light behind you but you ignored it, thinking it as nothing but a lumos charm. "Get away from my godson." A voice said, there was a punch and then a grunt. You turned around and found Sirius. The room filled with bright light.

"We'll just don't stand there you daft panther! Get him!" Bella yelled. You looked to her and The Order of The Phoenix had arrived at the scene.

Sirius looked to you and you looked at Harry, growling. Sirius had no choice he transformed into his animagi and tackled you to the ground, sending the both of you rolling down the hill at the bottom of the veil.

You roared and drew your claws, getting on your back to flash Sirius your stomach, showing him you wanted no fight. Out of sight from the occupied Death Eaters Sirius nodded at you, also flashing his stomach.

You got up and the both of you rubbed your heads together, in a somewhat hug. Sirius got back to the top of the hill, becoming human again. Harry and him talked for a moment before having to fight off Rodolphus and Lucius. Sirius sent Rodolphus back and they both focused on Lucius.

You slowly walked up behind the veil, ready to pull Lucius in. "Nice one James!" Sirius exclaimed when Harry disarmed Lucius. Harry looked at Sirius a bit confused as he sent Lucius back. Bella appeared on the hill, pulling her wand, "Avada Kedabra!" She yelled, the spell being flung at Sirius and he froze, Harry looking at him as he stumbled back into the veil of death.

Sirius looked to Remus in utter shock as he was forced back into the veil "Moony I-" Sirius whispered before disappearing into smoke. Remus grabbed Harry and held him back as he tried to break away to chase Bellatrix. When Harry realized that Remus wouldn't let him go he screamed out in agony.

You fell from your animagus form, not being able to hold it there any longer. Your hands shook as you disapperated to Severus' chambers, falling on the ground you realized why you had felt bad all day. It was like your heart was ripped from your body as the scene replayed in your mind. You felt like apart of yourself was gone. Was the universe out to get you? Why must you suffer trial after trail.

You screamed just as loud as you could, having to let it all out, your brother was gone forever.

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