Chapter Twenty Three

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You look down at them and pick the envelope up, giving the one addressed to Snape to him,

"Hmm..." you open it and it was from the Malfoy's, the M wax seal was green and red.

"Dear (Y/N) Black, you are formally invited to attend the Malfoy Christmas Ball in three days time. Please wear formal attire, preferably something that shows your Dark Mark. I hope to see you there darling -Lucius M." You read out loud. Snape hummed and folded his up. "Basically the same thing but mine wasn't personalized. Maybe we should attend together."

You plucked the letter from Snape's fingers and placed it on the table, brushing your noses together. "I wish... but... if Lucius sees us together he'll know something is up. I'm sure you can deal with hating me for one night." You pecked Snape's lips and he groaned softly, "I guess."

You smiled, "We need to go dress shopping then. If Lucius sees us... I'll complain Dumbledore sent you to be my babysitter." You get up and walk to Snape's bathroom. "Accio makeup bag." You chanted, flicking your wand.

You started to cover up the hickey trail on your neck and looked back at Snape in the mirror he was reading over the letter you received. "Do you think he has something for you?" He got up and walked over to you. You laughed and shook your head, "You're jealous?"

Snape shook his head, "I just want to know."

You shrugged and fixed your hair, "I could honestly care less." You put eyeliner on and Snape hummed. "I see." You giggled and finished your makeup, using his toothbrush. "You're jealous." You spat out the toothpaste and washed it off, putting it back. Snape rolled his eyes and threw the toothbrush away. He set two in the cup and you smiled.

You spat on the blue one, leaving him with the pink one. "It fits your character." You kissed his cheek and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You ready to go?"

"Mm." He hummed, his hand firmly on your hip. You smiled, "Race ya." You turned into your Animagus and ran out of the room, running to the quidditch field as quickly as you could. Once you arrived Snape was already there. "What took you so long?" He asked.

You turned back into your human form, "Whatever." You mumbled, grabbing his hand. He apperated the both of you to Hogsmeade. You looked around and smiled, you hadn't been shopping in the longest time. You pulled Severus into a dress store and looked around.

"Help me pick one!" You complained, pulling on his sleeve. "I don't have much... style." He retorted. You sighed and sat on a bench. You didn't really like picking out dresses. A woman floated over to the both of you and smiled brightly, "Welcome! Welcome!"

You got up and shook her hand, "Hi... I'm uh... in need of a dress!"

The woman smiled and giggled, "I assumed such... what style are you looking for?"

You looked around and bit your lip, "Black... elegant.. fitted."

The lady nodded and grabbed your hand, "The man can stay. You need some girl time." She pulled you away to the back and took out a measuring tape, wrapping it around every part of your body. She then handed you two dresses. "Try these on in that dressing room... come out the other side and he'll see you. That is if you want him to."

You nodded, "Yeah... I do... thank you." You walked into the dressing room and saw the perfect one out of the two that the woman gave you. It was breath taking and there were no sleeves, just as Lucius requested. You put it on and pulled back the curtain. Snape stood and looked at you.

Your hair fell on your shoulders, laying perfectly, you walked over to him and he put his hand on your waist. "It's gorgeous..." he whispered, "I adore it."

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