Chapter Twenty Four

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Once you and Snape returned to the castle it was Snape's turn to walk around the castle. You were so excited to get some quiet alone time with him. You bundled up in a sweater and a suit jacket Snape had lying around that he never wore. The castle walls were always so cold at night, the concrete sucking up the chilly air like an AC unit.

You skipped down the halls, elated to attend the Malfoy party, you stopped and stared in shock at what played out in front of you. Two students, one the platinum blonde that you'd come to resent, another a black haired girl. The girl had her hand down Draco's pants as they made out. The girl was Selene Blackburn, the same girl you had found in Lucius' bed a few days ago.

You couldn't believe what was happening. You felt Snape's hands on your hips and he kissed up your neck, not yet seeing the students. You shook your head and pointed to them, Snape hummed and looked up, his jaw clenching. "Mr. Malfoy." he called.

You quickly turned into your Animagi and slowly prowled around Snape as he approached the students. The students disconnected and once the girl looked at you she knew she was in trouble. You sat beside Snape and he absentmindedly rubbed your head.

Draco looked completely shocked and quickly fixed his clothing before dashing down the hall. You growled lowly and Snape raised his brow. "Go get him." You smirked and took off after Draco, quickly catching up with him. You ran beside him and he looked at you, whimpering. "IT'S DANGEROUS TO HAVE A WILD ANIMAL ON SCHOOL GROUNDS! MY FATHER WILL HEAR OF THIS!"

He tried going faster but he tripped over his shoe and slammed his face on the ground. Your senses filled with the smell of his rich blood and you sat down beside him, waiting on Snape. Draco was of course being dramatic, whining and crying that you had bitten him. You cleaned your paws and stretched your back, being surprisingly tired.

Snape walked down the hall and picked Draco up by his sweater, taking him to the nearest wall, you wished he'd do that to you. "Do you know the risk you're taking?! If a certain professor found you she'd have you and Ms. Blackburn expelled. Fulfilling your little... fantasies... will have to wait."

Draco looked back to you, you were just feeling the cold air on your face. "My father will have your little pet removed from school grounds, killed even. It could have maimed me."

Your head snapped to face him, "Don't engage." Snape ordered. You huffed and laid down.

Draco roughly pushed on Snape's shoulders, pushing him back and walking away. "You better listen to me Malfoy! I know what I'm talking about!"

Once you saw Draco leave the hall you turned back into your human form and grabbed Snape's hand placing it on your neck. "You look so hot when you're reprimanding children."

Snape smirked softly and squeezed your throat a bit, slamming you into the wall and kissing you. You hummed and ran your fingers through his hair, "I don't... think you... know how.. sexy you are..." you whispered in between kisses. Snape raised his brow, "Oh? Why's that?"

You shrugged and went back to making out with him. Snape slid his hand up your sweater, tightly gripping your hip. You hummed, you were going to leave and go to the Malfoy manor early tomorrow morning so you wouldn't see Snape until the party.

You reached up his sleeve and pulled the hair tie off that was around his wrist. Snape looked at you, his brows furrowed. You put your hair up and before you could get on your knees you saw the pink devil standing at the end of the hall, looking at you and Severus.

You sighed and rested your head on his chest. "Dolores. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Snape rubbed your back softly.

"You two are aware you're supposed to be making sure students aren't out of bed? Correct?" She held that fake smile on her face and walked to you both.

"We are aware... we just took a small... break." Snape replied as you played with the buttons on his shirt.

"Then I suggest you not only get back to it... but also submit an office relationship form to Headmaster Dumbledore." She turned on her heal and walked the hall. You sighed softly and gripped Snape's robes.

"I used to be one of the most scary... most torturous and intimidating Death Eaters on this planet... along with my cousin. Now I'm bowing down to a lady in a pink pantsuit." You whispered.

Snape rolled his eyes and brought your face into his chest, he could see that this woman was really bothering you and he didn't like that.

"I know darling... I know. But now... you shall get out of here... pack for the Manor and leave in the early morning..."

You sighed and hugged him tightly, "We cannot show up at the same-"

"I understand my love... just go... and when you're packed come to my quarters, I'd like to have one peaceful night."

You nodded, "Yes sir.." you kissed him quick before going to your quarters to pack your bag. You looked at the sweater that lay on your bed, it was Avery's. You sighed softly and laid your hand on it, you missed talking to your best friend.

You laid on the sweater, looking up at the ceiling. You wondered if Avery was ok in Azkaban, you just wanted to take it all back, you missed him deeply.

You closed your eyes and thought about some of the best memories with your friend. As you did you took Snape's jacket off and laid it on you to keep warm.

You grabbed your iPod and played you and Avery's favorite song. You Don't Own Me by Lesley Gore blasted from the iPod. You and Avery used to practice salsa dancing to it, it always gave you the vibes of dancing with your enemy.

You could almost feel his firm grip on your hips as the both of you dominated the floor. A single tear fell from your face and you quickly wiped it away, packing the sweater into your bag. You crept into Snape's room and laid down. Feeling a bit of guilt for thinking of Avery instead of your boyfriend.

"Give me a moment darling. I'm changing." He called from the bathroom.

You hummed in response and closed your eyes. "Hurry... up... I'm exhausted..." you yawned and Snape stepped out of the bathroom, half dressed in sleepwear. "Good enough." You quipped, reaching for him. Snape smiled softly and got into bed, looking into your eyes.

You closed them, not being able to hold them open anymore, "Severus... I love you..." you whispered, so tried you weren't sure exactly what you were saying. Snape pushed the hair from your face and rubbed your cheek, "I know darling..."

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