Chapter Twenty Seven

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It was then that the south door bursts open, drawing everyone's attention. Your heart skipped a beat looking at the people who stood at the door, you scanned the crowd and your breath hitched falling onto one man, "Avery..?" You whispered.

Avery came to the table and sat beside you. His hand snaked under the railing of your chair and he grabbed your hand, smiling softly at you. Your eyes filled with tears as you smiled at the man, you thought he was gone forever. "Now now darling... don't cry for me.." his voice was low and you nodded, squeezing his hand.

You looked in front of you and Bellatrix smiled mischievously and you laughed, "Bella... Bella... Bella..." you chanted.

"Merlin, you still don't have that crow off your back. Do you?" She was referring to Snape who was staring you down with an unprecedented glare.

You sighed and rolled your eyes, "He's just jealous he didn't get to sit at the cool kids table."

Voldemort chuckled and Bella cackled, looking down at Severus who immediately looked away. The people at your end of the table were Voldemort, Avery, you, and Lucius. Across from you being Bella the Lestrange brothers and Grayback. These were the ruthless, unforgiving, and insane Death Eaters. The ones who wouldn't hesitate to kill and torture.

At the other end of the table where Snape was were the politicians, the laid back, and the spies. It was set up to pair.

You looked back at Avery who was scarfing down the meal in front of him. You pushed your plate to him and he hummed, thanking you. He looked a bit frail and in need of a good and rich meal.

Lucius bumped your side and you looked at him, raising a brow. "You and Avery will need to share a room tonight due to the shortage in rooms. You aren't uncomfortable with this proposition, are you?"

You shook your head and giggled softly, "Me and Avery have slept in the same bed too many times to count... we need to catch up anyways. Great opportunity."

Lucius nodded and turned back to the politician sitting beside him.

Once everyone had pretty much finished their meals Voldemort had tapped his wand on the table, pulling everyone's faces to him. He smiled looking at all the eyes. "Welcome back to most of you. For those of you who didn't get caught... I applaud you. But past is past. I have my table full again." He started an applause and everyone followed him.

It died out slowly and Voldemort looked to you, "Ms. Black... I hope you enjoy your gift." He looked to Avery who was sipping his drink. You smiled softly and nodded. "I heard that earlier today you were complaining you haven't gotten to kill in a long while. I believe that you should get out... stretch those insane legs of yours again now you have your friend back."

Avery smiled devilishly and looked at you, excited.

"I want you to kill another. There is a mudblood family in the south of England. I shall fill Avery in on the details. I want you to do exactly as you did nineteen years ago. I want to see blood. Organs."

You gulped softly and you saw the flashes of the family.

"Actually sir... if I shall intrude... Ms. Black has recently infiltrated the Order of The Phoenix and become an Animagi." Lucius commented.

You wanted to punch him in the face. Voldemort gasped and leaned forward. "Show us." He commanded. Your heart was beating in your chest and you looked down the table at all the other Death Eaters. Bella was sitting at the end of her chair. "Yes My Lord." Avery was shocked, so interested, they all were.

You let Avery's hand go and stood up, walking behind your chair. You turned into the panther and many gasped, staring at you in awe. Avery blinked and held his hand out to you. You nudged his hand away and walked around the long table, getting a good look at your fellow Death Eaters.

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