Chapter Fourty Seven

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As the world was coming to an end you watched your husband as he became more distant. He now ruled over Hogwarts with an iron fist, occasionally forgetting you and your son, Armitage Severus Snape. You knew he was going through nothing but conflict for all of his friends had now thought of him as nothing but a traitor. You knew Severus would eventually come to terms with himself and see how he'd forgotten your child and hate himself for it, but as each day went on you lost more and more hope, replacing Slughorn, and teaching potions at the dark and gloomy school.

You were fixing your son's hair, it was jet black, just like his father's. One of his eyes was a bright green, the other a dark and endless black. He was a beautiful child. He was babbling in your lap, his birthday was drawing near. You heard the front door open and slam closed. You looked to the side and Armitage fell silent, sliding off your lap.

You tried to grab the collar of his shirt to keep him away from Severus who sounded frustrated but he slipped from your fingers. "Dada!" You heard him exclaim. Armi hadn't seen Severus in three days due to his late nights in the office.

"Hello, child," Severus grunted, Armi giggled and you sat back, tapping your foot nervously, not being able to see the pair.

"Daddy! My tooth..." the room fell silent and you got up, trying not to pry on Severus, he was a brilliant father, but recently he worried you.

Armi ran to you, his hair was messed up. You sighed softly and scooped him up. You walked into the bedroom and looked at Severus once before going to your side of the bed, "He likes sleeping in our bed..." you said, placing Armi down.

"Of course he does. It's a big mattress. Have you been getting good sleep?" Severus asked, changing his clothes. You didn't answer for a long while before you nodded, you'd been lying awake each night, watching your son peacefully sleep as your mind was driven insane with too many thoughts.

You covered Armi up with the blankets, making sure his body was completely on your side of the bed. You twisted your ring around your finger nervously. Armi sucked on his thumb as he slept and Severus walked up behind you. He slowly placed his hands on your hips and your body ignited at his touch. "When did he start sucking on his thumb?" Severus said, the both of you watching your son sleep. He almost sounded disgusted.

"Just recently actually... I uh... I think it's because his teeth are sensitive... but I'm not sure... I make sure to wash them each night and morning..." you scratched your head and Severus grabbed your hand, placing soft kisses to it. You pulled your hand away from him and he looked at you a bit shocked. "I'm not really in the mood Severus..." you whispered, turning around and sitting on the bed.

Severus sighed deeply and looked away walking to his wardrobe, you scoffed and shook your head, "You're kidding me right?" You said, standing. Severus raised his brow and turned around, looking at you.

"You disappear for three days, not even in your office, not here when I need you most and you appear out of nowhere because you want to have sex?"

Severus opened his mouth to try and defend himself but he remained quiet. You threw your arms out to your side, "You sir. You- your son... you know. The one I've been raising? He needs you now. This is his most impressionable year and you care about nothing but your little duties. You have nothing left Severus. Only me and him. You can't even put on a fake smile to tell him that you're glad all his teeth came in."

Severus tilted his head and looked at your son once more before grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the kitchen. "First off. Let's not argue in front of Armitage. I know my son exists (Y/N). Don't act dense because you're hurt. I'm aware my some needs me so I'm fighting for him. You have no clue what I'm doing. So I'm sorry if I'm a bit frustrated when I get home and want to lay down with my wife. 'The only thing I have left.'" He quoted you. "I fake a smile every time I see Armitage because I don't want him seeing the frustration in my eyes. I'm sorry I felt like I could let my guard down around you. I'll be happier next time I finally get time to break away and see you both."

You stared into your husband's dark eyes and honestly didn't even recognize the man you'd married. "Now excuse me. I have to go meet with my students. Harry Potter is back." Severus pushed you aside and stormed out the door. You fell to your knees and put your face in your hands. Your Dark Mark was calling after you and you took a deep breath, looking at it. It was time.

You walked to Armi and kissed his head, "I love you, baby..." you whispered, picking him up and apperating to Spinners End. You placed him in your bed and kissed his head once more, going to Malfoy Manor.

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