Chapter One

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You groaned softly, reading over the same passage for the fifth time. Each time it started to make less sense. At this point you didn't even know why you were reading this book. You picked the left side up and looked at the title, "Muggle Studies."

It's almost like you'd read the exact same book while in school. You lay your head on the table, maybe just one nap would help your fried brain. It was when you started to doze off that Avery, one of your close friends, grabbed a fist full of your hair, pulling your head off the table.

You yelped softly and grabbed his wrist, "What do you think you're doing?!" You whispered shouted. Avery rolled his eyes and chuckled, letting you go. "No falling asleep. We have a long night of reading ahead of us."

You sighed, that's why you were reading the book. "Imperius Curse me to do it?" You smiled, pushing Avery's shoulder lightly.

He rolls his eyes and opened a book. "I don't know why we're doing this. It's stupid really!"

You rolled your eyes and rubbed your head. "We do what Lucius says. It's as simple as that."

"Yes but that could draw attention." Avery grabs your hand and worry dances in your eyes, "They're looking for us all V..." he called you by a nickname you'd given yourself when you were a kid. You sighed softly and grabbed his face, holding his cheek. "We'll be fine Avery. We're protected... I hope..."

Avery looks away, "They carried your cousin away in chains only a few years ago! Your brother many years ago! Lucius was held on trial. They're going to find out."

You rolled your eyes and opened the book back up, reading the paragraph again. "Just don't worry about it Avery. I really don't want to hear it." You said, using your finger to trace the words along the page. You go to the next page and see something is ripped out. You throw your arms in the air, "Something was removed!"

Avery looks up at you timidly. You showed him the ripped page with a huff. You slammed the heavy book shut and pushed it off the table.

A dark haired man looked up at you from across the room, he looked very offended. You lunged forward a bit at him, challenging him. He scoffs and waves you away, returning to his book.

You raise your brows and stand. Avery grabs you by the arm and pulls you back down. You were like a match being thrown on a bale of hay. You ignite quickly and burn out even faster. You take a deep breath and look at the man, puzzled. You'd seen him at the library before, he was always so quiet. But due to you going to Beauxbâtons rather than Hogwarts you were unfamiliar with the people your age.

You at least hoped he was your age, something about him was mysterious, you liked mysteries. Avery grabbed your chin and tore your gaze from the man. "Don't waste your time on him. He's spoken for." Avery quipped, getting up and picking the book off the ground.

"By who? Are they married?" You look back at the man and Avery grabs your arm. "Come on. Check your books out, I want to read at home." He pulls you up and you give him the evil eye. "Let me go! I like reading at the library!" You tried to pull your arm from his grip but of course you fail.

You gather up your books and start to walk to the front desk. Avery's hand was still gripping you tightly. His grip suddenly loosened and you looked back at him. The mysterious man held his head high. "That's no way to handle a lady, Avery." he spoke, his voice was smooth and deep, slow and suspenseful. His words rolled off his tongue and lingered in your ears.

Avery looked at the man enraged, "How come Lucius doesn't send you to do his dirty work Severus? You're halfway there being a half-blood. I'm sure you know a lot about muggles. Oh wait... daddy didn't talk to you. Did he?" Avery smirked softly and Snape shrugged, he seemed to not let Avery get under his skin.

"You're one to speak about fatherly issues." Severus remarked. Avery's father was sent to Azkaban almost ten years ago. He never loved Avery and left him to fend for himself on the streets.

Severus placed his books on the counter and checked them out for himself. The librarian nodded at him and he bowed his head. You watched him with a smile on your face and Avery watched Severus with rage. He raised his brow slightly at you and you blushed.

Severus turned to Avery and he let your arm go with a huff, being a bit intimidated. "That's better." he mumbled before walking out, his robe following behind him. You bit your lip softly and turned towards the desk.

"You know he can read your thoughts. Right?" Avery said, knowing exactly what you were thinking. A blush spread across your face and you pushed the books to the librarian.

"He's that good at Legilimens?" You asked softly, earning a single nod from Avery. The librarian gave you a warm smile and checked the books out to you. You grabbed them and walked outside, you weren't going to wait on Avery after how he embarrassed you.

You apperated to Malfoy Manor. You missed your unassisted flight spell, it was so much easier, but here it, in the Wizarding World, was a grand risk to use. Once you got to the Manor you went to the room that Lucius Malfoy had assigned to you and set your books down in a neat stack.

A house elf approached you and you looked down at it, you never understood why people were so cruel to these creatures. You smiled at it and it handed you a piece of parchment, a quill, a beautiful gold bookmark, and a cup of coffee. "Thank you!" you patted the elf's head and it walked away with a smile on its face.

You sat at the desk that was against the left wall. You started a letter to your cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. You sent letters to her to lighten up her stay in Azkaban, the two of you were close friends ever since you became a Death Eater. When you were both young you made up a code of numbers that represented words. It was good to use when sending her letters because no one else could understand it.

To not raise suspicions you'd make each letter look like simple arithmetic, passing it off as Bella needing to keep her studies up.

You sealed the letter and took a sip of your coffee. Bellatrix was going to be excited of the plans to come, you could just feel it.

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