Chapter Seventeen

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The three weeks you had to wait until you could take the Mandrake leaf went by quicker than you thought it would. Tonight was the night and you were super nervous. You laid in bed, facing the window in your room. You couldn't get what Snape said out of your head, you could be stuck like this forever.

You heard loud talking downstairs and then the crashing of pots. You jumped out of bed and grabbed your wand before running downstairs. You pointed your wand in the direction of a small grunt and Sirius had another man pinned to the island. Your eyes went wide and the brown haired man opened his eyes as Sirius went down his neck.

"Pads..." The man pushed on your brother's shoulder and Sirius shook his head, biting at his neck. "Pads!" The man's voice cracked and his eyes closed a bit. When Sirius didn't stop he hit his head. "PADFOOT! G-Girl! Right there!"

Sirius turned around and locked eyes with you, "(Y/N)..." he whispered softly. You put your wand up and walked behind the brown haired man, grabbing the coffee pot. He cleared his throat and you poured yourself a cup. "This is uh... Remus Lupin."

You smiled and raised your mug, "Hi... you must be this friend that Sirius won't stop talking about."

Remus nodded once and ran his hand through his hair, adjusting his suit. You sighed and kissed Sirius' temple. "Continue." You walked out of the kitchen and immediately heard Sirius tackle Remus. You giggled softly and went to your room, your owl arriving just in time with Snape's paper.

You would get your own but you liked stealing Snape's to remind him you were still present. The paper smelled strongly of his room, sandalwood and parchment. You breathed in deeply and felt just at home, your worries melting away.

You missed seeing the dark haired wizard every day and you missed his presence. Nothing was interesting in the paper so you gave it back to your owl. She always liked shredding papers.

You sipped at your coffee and thought about tonight. You knew about the risk and the pain that it would bring. You hated pain, but then again... it would be worth it... wouldn't it?

You just wanted a hug, but not just any hug, one from Snape that was clearly making him uncomfortable. You wanted to rest your head on his firm chest and kiss away at his jaw as he stared off into oblivion.

After a few more moments of thought Sirius knocked on your door and pushed it open with his foot. You looked up at him and sighed softly, "How are you feeling?" He sat on your bedside table and you shrugged. "Unsure of course..."

Sirius chuckled and nodded, "I was fifteen when I did all this. I remember it very clearly. I was so frightened of losing everything... but... Remus brewed those potions all of those years ago... and he did yours. I do not think you have to worry. I mean do you see me roaming around as a dog?"

You giggled softly, "You're a dog, human or not."

"Well... she's got you there." Remus walked in with a smile on his face and Sirius waved him off. You smiled at the two of them, they were like an old married couple. Remus walked over to you and held his hand out, "I believe our last meeting wasn't too proper. Remus."

You smiled brightly and shook his hand firmly. His eyes fell on your Dark Mark and you frowned softly, tucking your arms under the covers. "You're beautiful (Y/N)." Remus grabbed your hand, pulling it from your covers and kissed it softly.

You blushed softly and looked away from his eye contact. Sirius hit Remus' shoulder and he looked back at your brother, "What?! I'm making her feel comfortable!"

"Yeah right creep. Come on (Y/N)... get dressed and me and Remus will take you out for a drink."

You sighed and nodded softly, getting up. You put your hair up and put your dress on over your tank top. You laced your boots up and grabbed your leather jacket, "Let's go."

The men looked at you a bit shocked. "I'm simple and have no one to impress. I need a drink." You walked over to them and grabbed their hands, apperating to the Three Broomsticks.

The boys looked around a bit shocked and you rolled your eyes, walking into the bar. You sat down at the bar and nodded at the tender to get your usual. Remus and Sirius sat beside you and you sipped your butterbear, you didn't care if it was early in the morning.

Remus and Sirius talked about the full moon tonight and you didn't really listen, you were spaced out, thinking about your process. It was then that a familiar voice pulled you from your head. "Ms. Black." Your face went white and you didn't even turn your head, "Lucius."

You could feel Lucius' eyes scan over your company. "I'd like to speak with you if you have a moment."

"No need. I sent you a letter. Have you not read it?" You finished your drink and Lucius grabbed the back of your neck, yanking you back to look into his eyes. Sirius stands and draws his wand. Lucius looks at him and raises a brow, "Take your seat Black. I just need to chat."

You grunted and cringed, "It's ok Sirius... I'll handle this..." you ripped your neck from Lucius' grip and walked to the bathroom, hearing his shoes follow close behind.

"Your mission. Have you abandoned it?" Lucius stares down at you and you shake your head. "Tonight... I'm becoming an Animagus. It'll get me into things that I wouldn't be able to access as a human. That's all. I'm using my brother to get what I want." You retorted.

Lucius looked you up and down, "Fine then." He traced his finger along your jaw, "Such a pretty girl..." You leaned into his finger, craving the touch of Snape. Lucius' eyebrows raised and he got close to your face. "I hope you have a wonderful experience tonight."

He turns and walks off. How much fun could be the pain to come.

Once you returned to the bar you chugged your beer and laid your head down. You were a light weight and knew if the ceremony were to go right tonight you didn't need anything else to drink.

Sirius rubbed your back and him and Remus almost drank the entire bar. "Alright Pads... I gotta get out of here. I'll see the both of you in the morning." Remus rubbed your back and patted Sirius'.

Sirius turned to you and you were sound asleep. He sighed softly and picked you up, going back to the Black Estate. He brought you up to the potion and laid you on the couch beside it. It started to storm roughly, the thunder crashed, waking you up.

You looked out at the pitch black night and watched as the potion turned from blue to red. This was it.

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