Chapter Eighteen

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You looked out at the pitch black night and watched as the potion turned from blue to red. This was it. You looked to your brother and he nodded once. "Bottoms up." You chugged the horrible tasting potion and stood, drawing your wand.

Your hand was shaking but you closed your eyes. You placed your wand to your heart, "Amato. Animo. Animato. Animagus." You chanted, the same thing you'd been saying for the past month before going to bed and when you woke up. It was apart of your daily routine.

Your heart beat and one of another's blasted in your ears, growing in intensity. You heard the low rumble  of a panther's growl. A giant image of a black panther flashed before your eyes. You stumbled back onto the couch. The bones in your arm snapped and you screamed out in pain, they quickly healed from the potion and the other arm broke.

This would happen another one hundred and three times. You were sweating and your breath was heavy, the only bone left being your jaw. You were on the ground and Sirius was far away, watching in horror and understanding. You couldn't breathe and tears of pain burned down your cheeks.

Your jaw bone snapped and just like that you weren't yourself anymore. You felt new, all the pain gone. Your vision had barley any color and you saw a black dog walk around the corner of the couch. You followed it with your eyes and he rubbed the side of your face with his own.

It had worked. You laughed but all that came from you was a roar. You flinched softly and Sirius barked, leading you down the steps. He pushed the door open and dashed into the woods. You followed him, you were so quick.

While Sirius lacked behind you, you bounded through the woods, it was amazing to feel the wind on your face. While it was the fall you felt so warm. It was so worth it all. You stopped as the woods ended and turned, looking for your brother.

You were all alone. You thought really hard and were suddenly on your legs again. You looked around and breathed heavily. That was electrifying. Since Sirius was no where in sight you smirked.

You apperated to Hogwarts, your plan? To scare the shit out of Snape. It was his night to patrol the halls.

You turned back into your Animagus and ran up to the castle. The moon was full, illuminating some of the castle halls, but your vision was so much better at night. You got low and prowled around the halls. It was then that behind you the Lumous charm was chanted. That was Severus. You knew his voice better than any other.

You quickly got behind a corner and let out a low growl. You watched as Snape frantically looked around and you walked to him slowly, getting low. Once he saw your bright yellow eyes his breath hitched and he pointed his wand at you. "Reveal yourself."

You growled louder and tackled him to the ground, you'd managed to turn around and once your back hit the floor you turned back into your human form. Snape looked down at you, a bit of a shocked expression on his face. "(Y/N)..." he breathed, putting his wand away.

You grabbed the back of his head and slammed your lips together, humming softly. His lips felt so good. You ran your hands under his tunic, wishing he'd read your mind. Follow what you were doing. He sighed softly and pulled away, his hair fell into his face and it was so god damn sexy.

"That wasn't very nice." He sat up and you sighed softly, "Right... it was funny." You sat on his lap and started to unbutton his top. He grabbed your wrists and shook his head, "No. Not here."

You sighed and rocked your hips forward, feeling nothing. "Don't you miss me Severus?"

"Yes of course I do darling. I just don't really need that right now." He wraps his arms around you and you shake your head, "I'd better get going anyway... Sirius is looking for me."

Snape sighs and grabs your chin, kissing you sweetly. You hum and kiss his head, that's when you picked up the sent of your room. "Actually... I think I'd left some of my coffee in my room. I'll be back... alright?" You kissed him and Snape grabbed your wrist. The both of you were across the castle from your room.

"No. No. You should get back." He kissed at your neck, right under your chin. You sighed in pleasure, he was such a tease. Once his arms fell from your body and you changed into your Animagus. You purred softly and rubbed your head against his shoulder.

He watched you closely and stood up. He scratches under your chin and you rub up against his leg. He smiles and let's you go. All you wanted to do was hold him, talk to him about the transformation, but you couldn't. He didn't want to for some reason.

You run down the hall, going to your room on a mission. Once you get to the doorknob you were human and opened it. The smell of sex blasted you in the face. That bastard had just jerked off in here. That's why he wasn't hard.

You rolled your eyes and sighed, "Bunch of bull shit." You walked to the quidditch pitch and apperated back to the Black Estate. Sirius got up and hugged you tightly, "God Cub! I thought I lost you!"

You closed your eyes and laid your head on Sirius' shoulder. He held you and you closed your eyes, if Snape couldn't hold you, Sirius would. "Where did you go love?"

"I went to go see a friend... I was excited... but he was tired."

"I'll kick his ass." Sirius smiled and you shook your head, "No... no I don't think you'd win." You looked up at your brother and he looked deeply offended, "Who is he?!"

You giggled, "That's for me to know. And for you to... never know!" You pushed him away and started to go up the stairs, up to your room. Sirius ran up after you and stood at his bedroom door. "You look badass as a fucking black panther. Like what the hell!"

You chuckled and rolled your eyes.

"Hey! Sleep in your animal form tonight... it'll change your life. Trust me." He disappears into his room and you sigh softly, taking his advice. You curled up on your bed, you were exhausted from the ache and pain in your muscles from running so much. You easily fell asleep, forgetting that you were to return to Hogwarts after tomorrow.

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