Chapter Thirty Three

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You laid in the bed alone, staring at the clock, you were two hours late to work. You were usually a light sleeper but didn't remember Severus getting up from the bed. You quickly got dressed and did your hair before dashing to the classroom. You threw the door open and the classroom was empty.

You furrowed your brows and opened Severus' office door, he was standing at his desk, packing a few things away. "What are you doing?" You sat in front of his desk. "Don't we have a class right now."

Severus chuckled softly and shook his head, "It's Christmas break darling... the twenty third?"

Your mouth fell open, you completely forgot about Christmas. "Does that mean?"

"We're going back to your home? Yes." Severus walked over to you and you stood up, kissing him, "If he says anything..."

Severus' hand rested on your hip and he shook his head, "I'll handle it..." he kisses you deeply and you smirked slightly.

"How many times do you think we can have sex at my home? I want to bet on it." You ran your hands through Severus' hair.

"You do know children will also be present. All of the Weasley's... and the Potter boy..." the both of you swayed slowly, side to side.

"That makes it even more fun. I bet ten."

"Fifteen." Severus challenged, backing you up to the desk. You put your hand on his chest and shook your head, "Save it for then. I'll go pack... and we can get a move on." You pushed Severus away and skipped back towards his quarters, packing as quickly as you could.

You were happy to be back in your regular dresses rather than your tight clothes you usually wore to Death Eater meetings. To keep your legs warm you wore long black knee high socks and your combat boots.

When you were finished packing you went to your chambers, retrieving Severus' Christmas present, you couldn't forget that. You stuffed it into your bag and went back to Severus' office, carrying the bag of his you'd found and yours. "Ready?" You asked, setting the bag down.

He nodded and tilted your chin up, looking into your eyes. "How is it that I get to parade around with someone as beautiful as you...?"

You pecked Severus' lips, "The world has been so cruel to you... they decided to finally lend you a hand..."

Severus chuckled, "Your unwavering confidence is very... striking..." you rolled your eyes and kissed Severus once more, him taking you both to your home. He apperated the both of you to the kitchen, where Sirius and Remus were.

Sirius had Remus on the counter, passionately making love to him. "Merlin." Severus pushed your face into his chest.

Remus looked to you two and pushed Sirius off of him, "Severus! (Y/N)!" He put himself away and got off the counter, clearing his throat awkwardly. You pushed off of Severus and Sirius had just gotten up.

"I told you the kitchen was a bad place! But nooo you just had to have your eggs scrambled." Sirius, looked in the reflection of the pot, fixing his hair.

"Oh be quiet Padfoot. Like I was supposed to know they'd come to the kitchen."

"It's a public domain!" Sirius threw his hands in the air.

Severus shook his head, "The both of you still quarreling like an old married couple. The torment never ends, does it?" Sirius' eyebrows shot up and he pulled his wand, stepping towards Severus. Remus grabbed Sirius shirt, "Not now Sirius. I believe we have something to take care of." Remus grabbed Sirius' ear and pulled him to the living room.

"Sorry you had to see that..." You walked to the fridge and Severus shrugged, "Nothing I haven't seen before."

You looked back at him, popping a cap off a muggle beer, "Really?"

"Unintentionally." Severus answered quickly.

"I'd hope so." You chuckled and took a swig of the alcohol. Severus rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I was thinking that maybe we could do Christmas early this year..." he mumbled.

You smiled and kissed him, "Well I can give you part of your gift now..." you grabbed your bags, "Follow me sir!"

Severus followed behind, lacking a bit, looking around the ancient house. You laid out this Christmas present on your bed and waited for him.

He walked into your room and admired the architecture. When Severus' eyes landed on the gift He furrowed his brows. "What's that?"

You smiled and rolled your eyes, "They're grey sweatpants! Try them on..." you handed him the pants and he furrowed his brows. He shut the door and took off his slacks, putting the sweatpants on.

"They're comfortable..." he smiled a bit and you rolled your eyes, pointing to his junk. He tilted his head and walked over to the mirror, "Oh you little minx."

Severus' hardness was on full display and you smirked, "Come here and show me what it can do..."

"I'm sure you already know what it can do." Severus walked over to you, the both of you having maybe too much fun with the sweatpants.

Hey guys! I wanted to ask a quick question, in my oneshots book would you rather me write an Alan or a Sinclair story for Alan's birthday?

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