Chapter Three

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That night you didn't get much sleep, you were scared, nervous, and above all excited. All of your bags were packed and you took a deep breath, you knew the questions that you could possibly be asked. You looked down at your right arm and turned it over. Your mark was darker than you'd seen it in a long time. This made you uneasy knowing that Voldemort was still lurking.

You pulled your sleeve down and fixed your hair. The house elf helped you carry your things down the stairs and you smiled at him. Lucius and Avery were at the bottom, both of them watching you carefully. You sighed as you stood in front of them. Avery looked at you with sad eyes and you placed your hand on his shoulder, pulling him into a long embrace.

This would be the first time you would be away from Avery in six years. He patted your back and you kissed his cheek, "I'll be alright Avery. I promise I'll write you." You smiled at him softly and he nodded. You'd never seen this much worry in his eyes. You knew you were truly the person keeping him grounded. "I'll see you around Christmas... it isn't far from now." you reassure.

Avery looks down, "Just go... you know how I hate goodbyes."

You nodded and looked to Lucius. He held his hand out to you and you grabbed your bags before taking it. He lead you outside and both of you apperated to what looked like an arena. Lucius looked around the empty place and scoffed, "Not a big fan of the sport?" You asked jokingly.

Lucius shook his head, "Waste of time I believe."

You giggled softly and shook your head, "I was never good at Quidditch myself." You looked at the big looming castle in the distance and your breath was almost drawn out of your lungs. It was gorgeous, picture perfect really. Lucius rolled his eyes and lead you through the arena, he seemed a bit sour stepping onto school grounds.

You were smiling, you couldn't stop, the place was so beautiful. Lucius lead you to a giant statue of a gargoyle and you cleared your throat, wiping the smile off your face, trying to seem more serious. "This is where I leave you, (Y/N). Dumbledore is expecting you." Lucius shook your hand and you smiled at him. "Lemon Drop." He spoke, you furrowed your brows and the statue started to rise, stairs appearing from the floor. You quickly stepped on and Lucius waved you farewell.

When the stairs stopped a big wooden door stood in front of you. You opened it and an older man stood, smiling brightly. "You must be (Y/N) Black!" You returned his smile and nodded softly, "Yes sir... I'm sure you know why I'm here." You shook his hand firmly and he gestured for you to sit. You obliged and he sat in his chair. "I do... Mr. Malfoy informed me."

You sighed softly and rolled your eyes. "I hope I get it... I'm not too sure I can spend another day in that dreadful house."

Dumbledore nodded softly, looking a bit puzzled. "Yes, well I must ask you a few questions, hopefully we won't have to send you back."

You hummed and sat forward, Dumbledore had a warm smile reading over the parchment that you assumed that Lucius had given him. "You went to Beauxbatons!" He exclaimed.

You giggled, "My parents thought it was clever sending their only girl to an all girls school. It was enchanting there but this place... seems so much more... welcoming." You looked around the room covered in artifacts and knickknacks in awe. Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "I'm glad you think so! My objective is to make all my students feel like they belong."

"Well you've done an amazing job... and I've only seen this half of the castle!"

Dumbledore chuckled and his smile faltered a bit when he reached a certain line on the parchment. You furrowed your brows nervously and looked at him with concern. "Ms. Black..." he frowned at you and you were really nervous now. "I'd like to see your arm." he said softly.

Your heart dropped and you closed your eyes, this was it. "Which one...?" You asked nervously. Dumbledore frowned at you, "I believe you know which arm I'm referring to Ms. Black."

Your face twitched and you looked down at your right arm, it itched violently and you sighed softly, you'd at least made it this far. I'm sorry Avery. Was your first thought as you pulled up your sleeve. You showed Dumbledore your Dark Mark and he stared at it for a moment before writing something down. "I was a stu-"

"Save it Ms. Black." Your heart was in your throat, you were going to Azkaban. "I've heard it all too many times. I'm sending a Professor to help you to your room, Welcome to Hogwarts,"

You gasped and your mouth fell open, "I got the job?!?" You said with joy. Dumbledore smiled and nodded, your expression being infectious. "Oh my!" You screamed and laughed loudly, "I don't have to go back!" You stopped yourself from exploding and stopped, "Why do I have the job...? I- The Dark Mark!"

"I feel the actions of our past should not dictate our future. Especially when our family is our biggest influence."

You look down and nods softly, "Thank you sir..."

The door behind you opens and you quickly pull your sleeve down. Severus stood in the doorway and furrowed his brows, looking you over.

"Severus! Meet your new potions assistant, (Y/N) Black."

You stood and smiled softly, Severus walked over to you and looked at Dumbledore, "I thought we discussed this Albus." He didn't seem too amused and it really discouraged you.

"I'm sure she can bring you much help. She used to attend Beauxbatons! They have a brillant potions program!"

Severus turned and looked at you, his eyes were as cold as his twisted expression. "I uh.. was top of my class... potions master..." You whispered, not meeting his gaze.

Severus' eyes traced over you and he looked back at Dumbledore. Dumbledore shrugged and Severus tore his eyes from him, turning around and walking out of the office, "Let's go. I do not have all day." He barked.

You sighed softly and followed him, on his robes tail, making sure not to step on it. He lead you across the castle and downstairs to a darker portion of the castle. It was cold and smelled like the ocean. You didn't follow him as closely as you did before and gulped softly.

A stone wall stood in front of you and to the left and right there were two doors. "That is your room." Severus motioned to the door on the left. "The one to the right is mine. Behind this wall lies the Slytherin common room where the Slytherin students reside. The password to access it this year is Serpent and Dove. I'm sure you won't need it. Get settled into your room, dinner is served at eight o'clock sharp." Before you could say anything the man stormed off again.

"Oh I-" Great. Even the man who was your boss didn't like you. This was going to be an amazing year.

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