Chapter Thirty Eight

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Once you got back to Hogwarts Severus started to run a bath for you. He set you on a wooden chair, not letting you touch any furniture, which you understood, you couldn't imagine how utterly disgusting you looked.

Once the bath was done running Severus took off your issued Azkaban dress. He picked you up bridal style and placed you in the warm bath slowly. You let out a loud sigh and closed your eyes. He collected your long hair and as your body acclimated to the water he took his tunic off and rolled his sleeves up.

He started to massage conditioner through your hair, being as careful as possible. You reached up and touched his face, "I thought you didn't like me anymore..." you admitted.

Severus shook his head, "I'm aware. But I was never sure why."

You shrugged and looked away, letting your hand fall from his face. "When you attended my first trial you were reserved, you didn't react. You were stone. Scowling at me."

Severus furrowed his brows and remembered back to your trail, "Darling do you know who was sitting behind you?" You shook your head and Severus let go of your hair, letting it sit in the conditioner. "Dolores Umbridge. She's apart of the ministry. Now she's the headmaster. So please be aware. On your toes. I can't have you getting taken away from me again."

He leaned over the tub and kissed you softly, you grabbed his collar and held him as tightly as you could. This didn't work of course, you being frail and just ultimately weaker than Severus it was easy for him to escape your grasp. You frowned and looked away. "I want you in here..." you mumbled.

Severus shook his head softly, "Can you try and wash up for me? Someone's at the door," Severus pushed his sleeves down and you looked at your dirt covered body, you grabbed a rag and started to scrub away at your skin.

"Dolores this is inappropriate... this is my personal quarters." Severus said, quickly rushing to the bathroom door frame.

"Oh be quiet Severus. I know she's in here somewhere. I'd just like to have a small chat!" Dolores shrilled. You cringed, already feeling a headache approaching.

For the first time in a month you closed your eyes with the intention of trying to get some sleep. It wasn't long before your body allowed it. Severus looked into the bathroom and sighed in relief to find you sleeping, "Sorry Dolores... she's asleep. I'd recommended you don't wake her up either." Severus walked over to you, taking the rag from your hand.

"I'm sure she hasn't gotten some nice rest in a very long time. So if you could please excuse us." Severus started to wash the conditioner from your hair, being careful as ever. Dolores stomped her foot and left the room. Once Severus had gotten all the product out of your hair he brushed out some of the bigger knots, completely taking his hands off when you would stir in your sleep.

This took another three hours to get your hair back it it's somewhat normal self. Severus picked you up and dried you off before laying you on his bed, you immediately fell accustom to the new position you were sleeping in, your brain recognizing the smell of Severus.

While you were sleeping Severus graded papers and made dinner, which he missed doing with you. He planned on giving you smaller portions to not make you sick, knowing you hadn't eaten in a long time because of your physique.

While asleep your mind drifted to memories of yourself as a child, once Regulus and Sirius left the house you were all that remained. Alone with cruel, uncaring parents that thought of you as nothing more than a mistake. They never wanted a daughter, they wanted someone to carry on the family name.

Your father was worse than your mother. Seeing you as nothing more than an object. "You're better than everyone, (Y/N), you're a Black! You hold your head high and show this world what you're made of. We are royalty. And if you fail to carry your head high and make us proud. I will drag you back from France by your ear and show you what we do to failures."

You were only ten when they shipped you off to the country all alone. You didn't even know how to speak French.

The smell of shepherds pie licked your nose and you slowly opened your eyes, of course the smell of food woke you up. You sat up and slid out of the bed, finding clothes at the foot of it, your wand on top of Avery's old leather jacket. You frowned and grabbed your wand, chucking the jacket to the side.

You put the dress that you always used to wear on and had nothing to cover up your Dark Mark. You looked in the mirror and saw how the dress now framed your frail figure, making you look ghastly.

"Severus?" You called, looking back into the kitchenette. You heard some clatter from the kitchen before Severus joined you in the bedroom. He saw you looking in the mirror and walked behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Am I still pretty?" You asked, looking away from the mirror.

"No." Severus grabbed your chin and directed it back towards the mirror, "You're gorgeous..." he whispered, letting his hand fall and drag across your front. You nodded softly and closed your eyes.

"Something came for you in the mail while you were away." Severus left your side and went into his wardrobe, pulling out a parcel with a note on the top.

You took it from him and opened the letter, Hey little cub. I heard about what happened and it tore me to shreds. I remember you saying that leather jacket you wore was from your late friend Avery. I know the two of you aren't involved anymore and after some long arguments with Moony... we've decided to give you my leather jacket from when I attended Hogwarts. Let her treat you well, I hope she fits nice. Please wash her before use, she carries some... how do I say this? Memories. Your loving brother, Padfoot.

You ripped open the parcel and found a leather jacket, you smiled widely and didn't care, you threw it on, marveling at yourself in the mirror, you looked amazing in it.

Severus read the signature on the letter and grabbed the collar of the jacket, reading the tag. "Darling... you need to take that off." He wiped off his hand, seeming disgusted. You shook your head, "I look good Severus!"

"No you don't understand... that jacket... the Womping Willow..."

"Spit it out!" You hit his chest and Severus cringed.

"When I was only a boy I used to read under the Womping Willow because it allowed me to. One day, the night before a full moon, I was heading to the willow tree to read this new book I'd received from Lilly. When I went to sit in my spot under the tree I found that jacket on the ground..."

You raised a brow and shrugged, "So what? It was on the ground. Big deal."

"No it wasn't that the jacket was on the ground.. it was what was on top of the jacket. Your brother... below..." Severus rubbed the back of his neck, "Remus." He cleared his throat and you just laughed.

"You found them having sex under the Womping Willow?!" You yelled in pure laughter.

"Too many times." Severus scoffed, heading back to the kitchen. "Come get a bite to eat." Severus brought plates to the table and you nodded, following him and sitting down. You looked at your plate and put your hands in your lap, watching Severus as he ate.

He slid some papers to you and you smiled, starting to grade them. The table was silent as you graded until Severus sat beside you, placing his hand on your thigh. You raised your brows and he motioned to your full plate, "You need to eat."

You shrugged and continued to grade. Severus frowned a bit and grabbed your chin, turning your face to look into his eyes. He tilted his head slightly and just took you in, "I'm worried for you... can you at least have a bite..? Think you could try and keep a bite down?"

You looked at the plate and picked up the fork, taking a bite of the shepherds pie. When you chewed it your taste buds lit up and you furrowed your brows, looking back at the plate. Severus kissed your temple, "I'm going to get ready for bed... I'll leave you to the pie..." he patted your thigh and got up, going to the bathroom.

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