Chapter Fourty Five

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You woke up in your bed, a warm body pressed against yours, Severus. The both of you laid on the small full bed, sharing warmth in the cold spring. Severus was of course snoring like always, being loud as ever. You always wondered how you managed to sleep through it.

You got up and stalked out of the room, realizing that Severus had changed your clothes, making you wonder how long you'd been out. You found Kreature who handed you a glass of water, "How long have I been sleeping?" You asked, walking around the house aimlessly.

"Only five hours. Mr. Snape was exhausted when trying to figure out what was wrong with you... making sure you didn't hit your head. Distraught men never get any work done." Kreature broke away from you after you handed him your empty glass of water, he'd been looking out for you, not leaning your side until you ate or drank all that he'd given you.

You walked back into your parent's room, frowning as you dug around, knowing the house would probably be ransacked by the Weasley children after you left it to the Order.

You walked to your father's old desk and hummed softly and found an old envelope. You furrowed your brows, it was addressed to your mother. "Mmm..." you turned it over, it had been open many times considering the state of the wax seal on it. You took the old letter out, feeling as if the paper would crumble if you handled it incorrectly.

You felt eyes gazing upon you and placed the parchment on the table. "Yes, Severus?"

"You're looking better."

"Good. Maybe my heart will catch up with my look." You muttered, not facing him. You hear a sigh escape his hooked nose and he walked over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders, rubbing them down your arms trying to warm them.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here. I thought you may want to spend time with your family... deal with this all... on your own. I was stupid and I now realize that not all people deal with these things like me." Severus kissed your temple, "I'm sorry."

You sighed and turned around, placing your head to his chest, closing your eyes. Severus rubbed your back and kissed your head, "I'll never be able to transition again... will I?" You asked softly.

"You'll have to talk to Minerva... I'm not sure about it. Never really learned of Anamagi..." you nodded and just sat there in silence for a moment, taking in Severus. You missed the man so god damn much.

"I have to go do something..." you whispered, looking up at him and bringing his neck down to kiss him. Severus held your hips and rubbed his thumbs into them before letting you go. You pecked his cheek once more and walked to the family tree room.

You looked upon your name and portrait. Placing your hand on the knitted cloth you remembered the last time you'd been in this room when you were seventeen. You drew your wand, "Lumos." You chanted, holding the lit tip of the wand to your knitted face.

The spot on the tapestry started to burn, almost screaming out in agony as cracks and pops came from the small fire you started. You were finally showing that you let go of this family. You were free, you weren't going to carry on some silly namesake. It was torture. You pulled your wand away and blew at the singes.

"Knox." You said, putting your wand in the side pocket of your brother's leather jacket. You walked out of the room, keeping your head low. "Severus?" You raised your voice, "I want to go see Minerva. I think me and her need to have a chat." You went back into Sirius' room and saw Severus looking at a picture frame.

You furrowed your brows and walked behind him, gazing at the picture. It was of Remus, Sirius, a brown-haired dark-skinned boy who looked like Harry, and a red-haired girl with bright green eyes. They were all about sixteen.

"Memories from Hogwarts?" You asked, rubbing Severus' shoulders.

He looked back at you, placing the frame down, "Something like that.." you nodded, not giving it another thought. "Come on... I'll take you to see Minny. We're on spring break now, so she's at her home." Severus reached out to your hand and grasped it, apperating before you could say another word.

You felt pretty sick after, you usually never felt sick after apperating. You placed your hand on your stomach as you searched for the nearest trash can. Severus furrowed his brows at you, watching.

You grasped onto Severus' shirt and couldn't hold it in anymore, retching onto his shoes. Severus stayed calm, slowly looking down at his shoes, "Are you alright?" He asked, rubbing your back, "Do you need the toilet? You don't usually get sick with that..." he was more worried about you than his clothing, of course, he was always a simple man.

You nodded softly and hugged him, "I'm sorry..." you wanted to cry, why the hell did you want to cry?

Severus shushed you and kissed your head, "Shh... it's ok... we'll get it cleaned right up... I promise..."

Minerva came into the room and flinched, "Severus!"

"I'm sorry I didn't call ahead Minerva... something is wrong with (Y/N)... you know I cannot have that."

Minerva looked at you with a frown, seeing you crying into Severus' chest. Severus got his wand and cleaned up your mess. "She's been away from you too long Severus.." Minerva walked over to you both and placed her hand on your back. "Isn't that right dear?" She said motherly.

You nodded and sniffled, looking into Minerva's eyes. She smiled at you and Severus held you close. "I do believe we have problems beyond that."

Minerva clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, "Always so literal. Tell me... what's the problem?"

You turned around in Severus' arms and held his hands on your waist. "W-when I tried to transform... I-I couldn't... it hurt a lot... like my heart broke.. and I passed out for five hours..."

With that Minerva's face fell, "And you were sick apperating?" She walked over to you quickly. You nodded and wiped your mouth. Minerva looked back and forth between you and Severus, "Darling... I'm afraid..." she cleared her throat, "You're pregnant."

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