Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning you felt something stroking your back and you stretched, "Finally she's awake... look at those eyes." You looked over to the voices, Remus and Sirius were standing close to each other, looking at you.

You purr and your tail flicks, you jump off the bed and go into the bathroom. "How was it?" Remus asks.

You look in the mirror at yourself and run your hands through your now mangy hair. "It was great! I felt so... alive!"

You heard them mumble something and it was followed by a short kiss. "Worth the pain?"

You opened the door and looked at them both, smiling. "Definitely. Thank you both... so much."

Remus chuckled and nodded, "Of course Little Pads! Anything for you and Sirius." You smiled, the house was so warm with Remus here. "So you return to your work tomorrow. Correct?" Remus sits on your bed and you groan loudly, "Yeahhh..."

"Do you not like your job?"

"No... no... don't get me wrong... I love it! I adore kids! But I don't know... sometimes me and Severus' relationship fluctuates. I guess he's just weird like that." You'd hoped that he cleaned your room.

"I see. Severus is a hard man to crack."

You nod softly and your owl comes in with Severus' paper. You grab it from her and open it. There was a small note in the corner. "I've seen you've been stealing these. I'll mark all the stuff you'd be interested in you little minx. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow- Severus."

You smiled softly and bent it over. Remus kicked your foot and you tapped his twice. There was underlines in every passage, it was only the important stuff.

"Well... Remus... I think we should... leave (Y/N) to her thoughts. Don't you think?" Sirius grabbed the door and pointed at his room. Remus shot up and kissed your cheek, "Oh of course." He quickly runs out of the room, slipping into Sirius'.

"Have fun. Don't get pregnant." You commented, Sirius laughed, "Its funny you think I'm the bottom." He shut your door and you laughed, shaking your head. They were something else. You read over the paper and tore Snape's note off, looking at his handwriting.

You also couldn't wait to see him, but you knew what December held. You apperated to Malfoy Manor and tucked the note in your back pocket, "Honey! I'm hommmeee!" You opened the front door and the house wasn't empty, you could tell by the fresh fire.

Lucius floated around the corner and looked at you, smirking softly. "What are you doing here dear?"

You smiled and turned into the panther. Lucius looked surprised and you walked around him slowly. He reached down and pet your head. You leaned into his hand and smelled something new in his house. You left his side and walked around, looking for it.

You finally got to Lucius' bedroom door and the smell was very strong. You nudged it open with your nose and slipped inside. A girl, about seventeen screamed and looked at you. She wore a Slytherin uniform and you knew exactly who she was. Selene Blackburn. A pure blood.

She was in Lucius' bed. You walked over to her slowly and jumped up on the bed, she looked at you, fear in her eyes and you towered over her. "Wow wow wow... that's pretty sexy you know." Lucius approached you and wrapped your tail around his hand.

You growled softly at the girl and she whimpered, looking at Lucius for help.

"I can't do anything for you darling. She's marked you."

You turned your head to the blonde and Selene saw her chance, dashing out of the room. Once she was gone you turned back into your human form. "Really? A seventeen year old?"

Lucius shrugged, "Sometimes you need the younger ones to get your fill."

You rolled your eyes, "Right... because I've rejected you... Three times."

Lucius chuckles nervously and looks at you, "What are you here for?"

"I needed to get out. Stretch my new legs..." you walked out of his room, not feeling comfortable in there.

"How's Avery?" You asked, walking down the hall.

"Well. He hasn't written me back. But because he is a New Age Death Eater, as they call it. He's going to be... deeply conditioned."

"What does that mean?" You walk down the stairs and enter the parlor. "It means they'll torture him relentlessly until he gives some information. Make sure you're watching your back. You never know what they can get from him. How good are your occlumency skills?"

You laughed softly, "Absolute garbage."

"Hmm... really?" Lucius drew his wand and your eyes widened. "Legitimency!" He commanded and entered your mind. He started to pick though your memories and you started to panic. You focused and thought of Avery. You'd slept together once and it was the worse thing you'd done in your life. You altered the memory a bit to make it seem like you were having the best sex of your life.

Lucius got out of your head and looked at you, a disgusted look on his face. "Are the both of you a couple?" He stepped closer to you and you shook your head. "No. We're friends. That was... one time."

Lucius looked at you, "You want more don't you? That's why you're thinking about it. Thinking about him."

You shrugged and looked away, "I'm going to go now.. I have to pack. Going back to Hogwarts tomorrow." Lucius hummed and you nodded, getting out of there as quickly as possible.

You sat on your bed and thought of Snape. You needed him and you needed him bad. You wondered if he'd still be tried when you went back to the castle tomorrow. You sure hoped not.

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