Chapter Two

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A few minutes after reading in your room you heard two voices bickering downstairs. You sighed softly and placed your book down, heading downstairs.

Avery and Lucius were going back and forth in the parlor. "You can't be so stupid to let him walk around like he owns the place!"

"I have no control over Severus, Avery. Not only will he not listen to me, but he is in his own world. Has been since you know what." Lucius didn't yell, his tone just dripped with venom. He was truly like a snake. "I didn't take over the Death Eaters. The Dark Lord went away for a while to plan out his next big move. Now if you wish to question my methods further I shall turn you into the Ministry myself. Is this understood?"

Avery rolled his eyes, he was clearly worked up about this man. "Yes sir." he spoke before storming up the stairs, passing you. You furrowed your brows and walked into the parlor. Lucius looked at you and his face softened slightly. "Yes, (Y/N)?" Lucius sat down in front of the fire and you sat beside him.

"Who is this man you call Severus?" You fixed your jacket and Lucius nodded, "Severus Snape is a fellow Death Eater. I'm not sure why Avery is so paranoid about him, could you perhaps shed light on why?"

You shook your head softly, "Nothing really happened... I was reading my book and he caught my eye. I asked Avery who he was but he didn't tell me much, only that he was spoken for. Avery then grabbed me and told me we were leaving. Severus interfered and told Avery that he wasn't being kind. We checked out and left."

Lucius nodded and hummed, leaning back on the couch and crossing his legs. "I see. Did you find all you needed in the library?"

"Yes sir... there are many books that I can read. I chose the modern era and Avery chose to read of their history. He believes that he can figure out more about them if he learns the rules they were raised by. I think that as time changes so do the people... that's why I'm reading the modern stuff."

Lucius chuckled and watched the fire dance, "You talk a lot. Don't you?" Lucius seemed to stare into your soul with his gray-blue eyes. You blushed softly and looked away, "Yeah... sorry... I talk when I'm nervous." You chuckled nervously and pushed your curly (H/C) hair behind your ear. Lucius chuckled softly, "No need to be nervous around me (Y/N)." He got up and fixed his coat.

"I have a very important mission for you (Y/N). And it's not going to the library and reading silly books about muggles." You sit up, you were now listening. "I want you to go to Hogwarts and speak with Dumbledore. Ask him if you can apply for the position of potion assistant." Lucius turned around and looked at you. "Your smarter than you seem. You've proved that today with your choice in books. I want you to learn about Hogwarts. I need an inside man to keep me informed of the happenings. You are capable... correct?"

You smirked softly and stood, "Yes sir." You'd never been assigned a good mission tough you'd been a Death Eater since you were sixteen. "I won't fail sir."

"I know." Lucius almost whispered, he looked at you, his eyes stern. His gaze made you straighten out your posture, he walked close to you, towering over you. "If you happen to fail to inform me all that goes on in that wretched school... I will have to remove you. Permanently." His cane hit the back of your calf and you flinched slightly.

"But. I don't see myself doing that." he turned away from you and stated to walk to the window on the right of the room.

"Nor do I sir." You averted your eyes from him and scratched your head. Lucius smirked and looked at you, "Good. Now. Go get some rest and pack your things. Tomorrow I shall take you to the school."

You nodded once and let out a breath, you went to your room, your stomach exploding with butterflies. You sat on the bed and looked out the window. You pointed your wand at the fire, "Incendio." you commanded and the fire sprung to life you laid back on your bed, the room filled with warmth. Hogwarts was going to be a new adventure for you, and honestly, you couldn't wait.

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