Chapter Eleven

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You had written Avery a letter asking him to accommodate you the Halloween Ball at the end of the month. It was almost immediately that you got a letter back, gladly accepting your invitation. You hated using Avery but you hoped that he would make Snape jealous. It didn't matter anyways, it's not like it would hurt Avery. You knew he wasn't attracted to you, no harm, no foul.

You were excited to see your best friend, you missed having someone to chat to. Even then you knew you couldn't talk to him like you wanted to. He hated Snape with a burning passion and you weren't sure why.

You had already received your dress and you thought it looked amazing. It fit you well and covered up your Dark Mark perfectly, making it seem like apart of the dress. You and Snape didn't talk often since you stormed to the bathroom that one evening. It almost hurt that there was now such a big wall between the both of you because of one silly little kiss.

Filch was still on your tail and Umbridge was gaining power. You dreaded December, knowing what was to come.

The week of the ball almost flew by with boring lessons and avoiding alone time with Snape. When you felt your head was too crowded you escaped to the bathroom and ranted to Myrtle about your problems. As long as you talked she loved to listen, living on gossip.

You understood her in a way, all day and night she resided in that bathroom all by herself, not a person wanting to talk to her. Yes sometimes she could be annoying, but it was only because no one ever paid her attention, all she wanted was to chat.

"Myrtle!" You ran into the bathroom, it was very late at night. She flew from her stall and gasped at you, "Merlin! Look at that dress!" You giggled and gave her a twirl. Tomorrow night was the ball. "I wish you could attend... see my date.." You smiled and Myrtle giggled, "Oh me too... the way you describe him... Hottie. I'm surprised you haven't tied him down yourself!"

You shook your head and smiled. "Yeah... well I don't like him like that!"

Myrtle rolled her eyes and flew around you, "Well you have fun tomorrow in that thing!"

You smile and nod, "Thank you.."

You went back to your chambers and got out of your dress there was a knock at your door and you looked up, grabbing a robe. "Who is it?" you drew your wand getting ready to put Filch on full blast.

"AVERY!" A voice answered. Your breath hitched and you swung the door open. You looked into your best friend's brown eyes and threw your arms around him. "Merlin! Avery!" You pulled him into your Chambers and he threw his bag down, picking you up.

You laughed loudly and held him tightly. "I decided to come early to help you get ready. I know you'll want me to do your hair." You laughed and nodded, kissing his cheek. You took your robe off and got dressed in some lounging clothes.

Avery looked through your closet, "You changed your wardrobe."

You rolled your eyes, "I had to look more professional after the Malfoy kid was trying to have dry sex with me. I still wear your leather jacket though..." You smiled softly.

"Draco did what?" Avery walked over to you and reached for the door. You grabbed his hand and shook your head, "I believe his father did enough Avery..."

Avery rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Where is that silly little MP3 Player of yours love?" You sighed softly and looked away, "Snape put a Silencing Curse on it."

You felt Avery's entire demeanor change and he looked at your door, "Perfect." He hissed, storming out of your room. Avery was like a firecracker, give him the smallest light and he was going to explode. He banged on Snape's door and you shook your head, "Avery!" you pushed him back into your room and shut the door. Snape opened the door and looked down at you.

Your face went hot, he was wearing a white button down, unbuttoned just enough to show his collar bones. His sleeve on his right arm was rolled up to his elbow, the other sleeve cuff was unbuttoned, hanging around his writs. He still wore his regular dress pants. "Yes (Y/N)?"

"I- Umm..." you gulped softly, "Sorry... I believe I've had too much to drink tonight.." You hated the excuse, but hey, it would get you out of this. "Right... Goodnight." Snape slowly shut his door, looking at you with a bit of concern.

You opened your door and looked at Avery angrily. He smirked evilly and drew his wand hoping you'd throw some charm at him. You simply shook your head at him and walked to your small kitchen, "You can't act out like this Avery. It took me a lot of convincing Dumbledore you were stable enough to come for you to be here! If he sees I have poor judgement he won't be impressed."

Avery rolls his eyes, "Like you care! We both know the true reason you're here."

"Right... but I still need to keep my image up. Please respect that..."

Avery sighed and held his arms out. You walked over to him and hugged him. He pulled you down on the bed and kissed your head, "Did you miss me?" He asks softly, rubbing your back. You nodded, "Yes.. But I will cease to miss you if you keep on trying to act so tough..."

Avery chuckled and nodded, "Fair enough..."

You sighed softly and closed your eyes, easily falling asleep in the comfort and warmth of your best friend's arms.

So I'm changing up my uploading schedule a bit! I will be uploading three times a week opposed to two! I'll upload Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday! The story is about to kick off and I cannot wait for it to! Love you all. -L.

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