Chapter Five

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It was five thirty in the morning, the usual time you got up. You and Avery used to run down the street that Malfoy Manor was on to get your blood pumping, but you weren't about to get lost in the castle.

You sipped your coffee and it warmed up your body, last night you'd managed to kick all your blankets off the bed and you were freezing.

Today was your first day of work so you needed to make a good impression to all the students. Knowing most of them were teenagers you got some black jeans, a black shirt and of course your leather jacket. Maybe you needed to dress less like a muggle but you loved your style. You'd found a way to make one neutral color look amazing.

You finished your coffee and walked to the potions classroom. The door was already open so you walked in and looked around. The room looked elegant, archways with text lined the ceilings and desks were lined in two rows, facing the front of the room. To the left there was a small desk.

Each desk had a cauldron and some ingredients beside it, you walked over and looked at them, you knew the ingredients well and smiled softly, "Antidote to Uncommon Poisons."

"Smart one you are." A voice boomed from the doorway, you turned and Snape stood at the door frame. You placed the bottles down and looked at him, a bit confused.

"Potions are hard to scout out by only their ingredients." Snape walked to his desk and picked up a quill, writing something down. You shrugged and walked over to him, standing in front of his desk. "I had to use that one a lot in my sixth year... I was a bit too curious. Let's just say I was no longer allowed in the potions classroom after school."

Snape looked up at you, the smallest smile pulling at his lips.

"I'm sure you want to test my abilities... huh?" You walked to one of the cauldrons. "Tell me where the ingredients are and what potion."

Snape raised his brows and looked around the room, "Cauldron six. You figure out what it is. Don't talk. Just work."

You nodded and walked to the sixth cauldron and looked at the bottles on the table. You bitch. You thought as you figure out exactly what it was, Draught of Living Death potion. It was your weakness and you were never able to get the proportion sizes right with a book, let alone off the top of your head.

You took a deep breath and grabbed the Sopophorus bean. You got your knife and just as you were about to cut the bean it flew off the table and hit Snape directly in the eye. He flinched and your hand went directly to your mouth, trying hard not to laugh.

Snape looked at you, his hard expression was frightening. He took a long breath and stormed over to you. He stood behind you, looming over you. Your shoulders tensed and he slammed the bean down on the table. Carefully grabbing your hands he used the knife to crush the bean.

You gulped softly, warmth and goosebumps spreading through your body. Snape stepped away from you, "Try again" he commanded before returning back to his desk. Bloody hell... What game is he playing at?

"The one that will educate you to be the best potions teacher you can be Ms. Black." Snape mumbled, still scribbling on his parchment. You forgot he could read your thoughts and your face went red, "Right..." You whispered going back to the potion.

Once you finished it the silence in the room was unbearable, when you worked you usually liked to listen to music. You bottled the potion and brought it to Snape. He hummed and looked at the color. You knew it was incorrect and you were really just waiting for him to say so. He held it up to a lamp and raised a brow.

You felt like you were back at school, about to receive a bad grade. "Perfect." Snape muttered. You furrowed your brows, "Sir that can't be right..." You chuckled nervously.

"Are you questioning my expertise Ms. Black?" Snape stood and walked to a disposal, he threw the bottle in it, "I know what this potion looks like. Made it many times myself."

"Right... do uh.. you have a favorite?" You asked, following him, helping him restore the station you just used.

"I do not. I never favor a potion or spell. I wish to not become bias, I'd much rather be knowledgeable. If you favor something like that then it will be the thing you always use. In this day and age you should never be predictable."

"Hmm... I never thought of it that way..." You whispered, placing the ingredients down. Snape hummed and walked back to his desk as students started to pour in.

You walked and stood beside him, these students looked older, you saw a blonde boy in green robes, Draco. This meant it was fifth year. Draco looked you up and down and nudged one of his friends, whispering to him.

Snape stood and looked at his students, "Everyone. This is my new assistant for the year. (Y/N) Black. She's learning how to teach potions so she can return to France next year with some experience. If she tells me that any of you choose to be rude to her you shall serve detention with Filch."

The students look at you and you smile softly, waving. "Alright. Get to work. IF you have any questions you are encouraged to ask Ms. Black."

The students get to work and you glance around the room. Draco raises his hand and you smile softly, walking over to him. "Mr. Malfoy! What is it you need assistance with?"

Draco poked his bottom lip out, "I dropped my stirring stick and I don't feel too good... do you mind getting it for me?" He pointed under the table and you smiled, nodding. "Of course," you braced yourself on the table and bent over, trying to retrieve it.

Little did you know behind you Draco and his friend were looking at your ass, making inappropriate gestures. Snape looked up from his book and his face contorted as he looked at the Malfoy boy. He stood and walked over to the both of you. He grabbed Draco by his ear and pulled him off his chair.

Hearing the yelps from Draco you got out from under the table and looked at Snape. He shook his head, "Watch my class Ms. Black while I escort Mr. Malfoy to the Headmasters office."

You looked to the class and all of them stared at you. "Yes sir..." You whispered, going to his desk and sitting down. You wondered what happened, what if you did something wrong. Either way you were bound to find out sooner or later.

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