Chapter Thirteen

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As you opened the door Avery furrowed his brows, hearing a grunt from Snape's room. He walked over to the door and what you heard next turned your face white. "Fuck (Y/N)~!" Snape had moaned your name.

Avery's head whipped around and looked at you. You frantically shook your head and Avery kicked the door open, drawing his wand. You sighed, so much for sleep. You kicked your heels off and casted your unassisted flight spell. (Death Eater Smoke)

You grabbed Avery and he casted his own spell, this is what he had been waiting for, a fight. The both of you flew out of Snape's window, crashing through the glass. You were holding Avery by his collar, punching him in the face repeatedly, trying to simply knock him out. He took each punch with a laugh and you dropped him. He flew down to the ground and you followed him.

"Don't do this Avery! It isn't worth it!" You yelled from the side of the quidditch field you inhabited.

"You like him?! Don't you?! No wonder you've been defending him! I can't believe I was so blind!" Avery walked back and forth as he talked, he was furious. He rolled up his sleeves and held his wand in the dueling position. Some students were now in the stands and more were coming.

You drew your wand and nodded, "Fine then." You both walked toward each other and got ready to duel. This wasn't a noble duel. This was something you and Avery had used to settle your quarrels. "Once I disarm you. I'm going after him. You'll be with me. Where you belong." Avery boasted. You didn't say anything and walked back to your position.

"Carpe Retractum!" Avery chanted, you threw the rope off, he was playing dirty. "Come on (Y/N)! You know you want a fight!"

You bit at the inside of your lips and Avery was getting tired of you standing around. He started to throw random charms at you and all you did was deflect, you knew if anything went sour Avery was going to get punished for fighting, and you weren't going to go down with him.

"FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME YOU SELF-CENTERED WHORE!" Avery screamed, he was trying to get under your skin and it almost worked.

"Expelliarmus!" You hesitated and didn't block. Thankfully enough the spell wasn't directed at you, it came from behind you. You turned to find Lucius. Avery slammed through the stands and you looked at Lucius before running to Avery.

Lucius was close behind you, "He's exposed himself. There is nothing you can do for him."

"Why are you here?"

"Unassisted flight was reported. I must take him to the ministry." Lucius picked Avery up by his collar and started to drag him out of the thin wood. "Lucius please..."

"No. If I bring him in it'll clear the both of us for any suspicion. He was being reckless. Just like you. But they only saw one cloud. I'll spare you. But if it so happens that you choose to expose yourself I shall not hesitate to turn you in myself." Lucius spat.

Dumbledore, Minerva, Snape, and Umbridge all approached the three of you. You covered your mouth to try and mute your sobs and Snape picked you up seeing your legs shaking.

"Lucius..." Dumbledore greeted the man, "The Ministry has sent me to collect Mr. Pollmere. Luckily Ms. (Y/N) has found a Death Eater." Lucius points to Avery's right arm and everyone looks, cringing. "We shall continue to eradicate these vermin from the streets."

Dumbledore nods and frowns at you. You bury your face into Snape's chest. You feel Dumbledore's hand on your shoulder. "Take her to my office please Severus." He whispered.

You closed your eyes tightly and felt Snape going back to the castle. The walk was full of complete silence, you were close to falling asleep when Snape set you down in a chair. You looked at him with ashamed eyes, "I'm sorry... you were right..."

Snape shook his head, "Don't do that. You just wanted to have fun with a friend tonight. You can not control the actions of another, especially when that other is Avery Pollmere."

You sighed softly and nodded, curling up. The door swung open, Dumbledore and McGonagall walked in, no Umbridge. You looked up at them, "I'm so sorry... I- I thought I could control him... his passions got the better of him."

Dumbledore nodded and sat down, "His passions being you... correct? I saw the way he looked at you during the ball."

You nodded softly and looked away, "I didn't know until tonight... that is... not once have I looked at him like that... it would be inappropriate to invite him if I did."

"I'm glad you feel that way Ms. Black. I am a man all about second chances... tonight was Avery's and he evidently failed. You on the other hand still haven't spoiled your opportunity to be something great." You saw the old wizard glance to Snape, he was looking past your bad judgement.

"Thank you sir..." You whispered, Dumbledore nodded, "I'll tell the students it was a bit of entertainment, they'll never believe it was real. Thankfully no one was hurt." He stood and left his office, leaving you Minerva, and Snape alone. Once Minerva realized who else was in the room she walked to the door, "I think someone needs me for something." She sped out of the room and you looked back at Snape.

Once his eyes fell on you he leans forward. He places a soft kiss on your forehead and rubbed your hand. "Come on... let's get you out of this dress and into some clothes..." He pulled you from the chair and lead you into the dungeons. He opened the door to your chambers and you went in, sitting on your bed.

You looked to the side where Avery's bags were and you teared up. Snape followed your eyes and quickly gathered the bags, placing them in the hall. "It's alright..." He rubbed your arms and placed your foreheads together so you were forced to look into his eyes. He wiped the tears away that ran down your cheeks and kissed your nose.

You'd never seen this more compassionate side of Snape, it seemed too out of character and you knew you were going to have to grow used to it it the two of you decided to take it further than kissing.

Snape looked back at the clock and sighed softly, "Come on... get changed." he opens your closet and hands you a robe. You grab it from him and he turns away, facing the wall. You took off your dress and slid into the silk robe. You got under your covers and your back faced Snape. Once he heard the covers rustling he turned and glanced at you. "Goodnight (Y/N).."

You closed your eyes tightly, "Goodnight Severus." Your voice cracked and you cringed slightly. You heard the door open and then shut. You were all alone with your thoughts, though this wasn't a rare occasion- tonight you felt extra lonely, trapped in your own mind, unable to scream for a way out. And by Merlin... did you need a way out.

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