Chapter Fourty Eight

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Epilogue Part Two

You wiped your bloody nose as you trudged through the almost flattened building that was known as Hogwarts. You were looking for more Death Eaters to kill, already wiping out some. You were protecting your son the right way.

And sure enough, you did come along a Death Eater, one of the last ones you did want to come across. "Mrs. Snape." He said.

You tilted your head and grasped your wand tightly, "Mr. Snape." You drew closer, looking at the ruin that used to be your quarters when you first came to Hogwarts. There was a pink sticky note on the ground and you picked it up, it was ripped down the middle, but you knew what it said. "Make Severus Snape smile."

The note almost brought you to tears but you crumbled it up and threw it away. Severus raised a brow at you and drew one step closer, "Where is my son?"

You looked up at him, "Mm... I don't know. Maybe crushed under all the rubble."

Severus' jaw clenched at the thought and he shook his head, his fingers walking up your torso. "No... no... you wouldn't dare let that happen... you care too much..." he whispered and you put your wand to his neck. Severus raised his brows and grabbed your hip, "Do it. Kill his father. Kill the only man who's shown and given you true love. Strip him of what he needs most."

Your hand shook and you lowered your wand, "You'll never find him. I placed a binding spell around the house. You or no one with that mark can enter. Not even me." You whispered and Severus pushed you back out of anger, just meaning to let you go. You tripped over some rubble and fell on your back.

You looked up at him, "He'll have a miserable existence if you let him live this way, Severus. But I won't stop fighting him for him until I'm dead. Bring. It. On." You drew your wand and Severus backed up a bit as you stood up, turning on the record player in your room, it playing the French tune, Non, Je ne regrette rien. It was coincidentally the last thing you listened to.

You put your arms out by your side, "How poetic." You spat, Severus chuckled and shook his head.

"May the best wizard win." He said, taking seven paces back. You did the same, pivoting and walking back towards him, you both put your wands in front of your face and then to your side. You felt like you were in Beauxbatons again. Dueling with the girls and boys that dare try and face you. You and Severus took seven paces again and then turned around, facing each other. "I don't want this just as much as you do. You know of my resentment."

"Do I? You seem like a loyalist to me. You'd choose Voldemort over me any day." You retaliated.

Severus looked angry and he took his cloak off, "I'm trying to keep Armitage safe. The Potter boy has to die. It's the only way."

You shook your head, "Then you're the loser. More and more every day I see you becoming what you dread most."

"Don't you dare say it-"

"Tobias." You spat.

Severus didn't move. His wand falling from his hand. You watched as it clattered to the ground. You looked away, "Severus..." you whispered.

His eyes were closed, "I've failed you..." he said, "You and Armitage."

You looked down at your feet and Severus fell to his knees. He started to cry. You felt a pit grow in your stomach and you got on your knees in front of him, pulling him close. He cried into your shoulder and you rubbed his back, just holding him, that's all he needed. "P-please forgive me..." he whispered through tears.

You nodded and kissed his cheek, "Shh... of course I do... of course I do.." you held him and he hugged you. "Unconditional love.." you told him.

Severus nodded and kissed you softly, "Unconditional love."


Three hours later you and Severus met in Spinners End, the both of you had to tie some loose ends before you left. You let your spell down and the both of you ran to your room.

Armitage was still sleeping, drooling all over Severus' pillow. Severus sighed and sat down in front of him, pushing some hair from his face, "Alright... I deserve that."

You giggled softly and shook your head kissing his temple, "My boys..." you whispered.

In that moment everything was grand, everything was peaceful, everything was whole. You had your husband back just in time for the both of you to raise a child the right way, the way it should be raised. Though you and Severus both had frayed pasts you weren't going to let that get in the way of the unstoppable force that was the Snape family, Always and forever unbreakable.

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