Chapter Twenty Nine

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You laid on the floor of a warm carpet, blood streaming down your face and body. It wasn't your blood, it was the blood of the now deceased mudblood mother.

Your head ached and pounded, your vision blurry. You heard quiet whispers, none of them loud enough to make out.

Your breath was shaky and when you tried to sit up your body failed, causing you to collapse to the floor. "Avery...?" You whispered, your voice strained, the taste of iron still on your tongue.

There were more little whispers, the only thing you could make out in the room were two people, a blonde and brunette, both small woman like figures.

You tried to move your legs but they were behind your back, bound to your hands like an animal. But that's right... you were an animal.

You attempted turning into your Animagi but felt a sharp pain rattle through your body causing you to arch your back and let out a sob.

The door to the room swung open and a glass dropped to the ground, shattering. You felt a liquid splash on your face and you cringed. There was a black figure in front of you. You couldn't make out the face but you could feel the stern and cold eyes.

"Severus..." you whispered. The figure kneeled down and grabbed your chin, turning it to either side, inspecting you. "Severus... please.. untie me..."

Snape's face drew close to yours and you could finally see him. He looked conflicted but also very frightened. "Animals shall stay bound until they learn to calm down." Bella chimed in.

Severus got up and looked at Bella. Your chest heaved and you were ashamed, "I don't see why you believe you can talk Bella. We've all done unimaginable things for... The Dark Lord."

"Severus she was eating a human! She was enjoy-"

"I don't want to hear it. It's my house." He turned back to you and picked you up. "We'll be in my chambers if either of you come up with a good excuse."

He walked out of the room and down a hall, the room he eventually had you in was white, almost blinding. You heard the rushing of water and Snape was working away at the rope you were tied up in.

"I can still taste her..." you rasped, your eyes lidded at the light. Severus sighed softly and got the rope off. "Push it from your mind darling..."

You stretched your arms out as he pulled your shirt over your head. "Where is Avery...?" You whispered, not sure if you wanted to ask the question.

"Malfoy Manor, sleeping." Severus answered quickly, helping you get your pants off. "You stopped it didn't you..."

"I tried." He mumbled, picking you up again and laying you in the warm bath. You closed your eyes and Severus leaned against the porcelain. Your eyes opened and slowly fell on him.

"Am I still pretty...?" You whispered. You wanted to reach out and touch him but your hands were red and blood stained. Severus didn't answer you, the room filled with silence as you stared into the back of his head. You wish you could see his eyes.

"Why can't I transform?" You said, a bit louder. "It hurt... a lot..."

"A potion. It slows down the process. Your body can't handle the transformation at that slow of a rate so it causes you pain." He answered.

You looked down at your hands and tried to scrub the red from them. "You saw her... didn't you... the mother?"

Severus sighed softly and nodded, "I saw both scenes. Many of the Death Eaters looked up to your massacre. I was too mature and only saw it as a murder. I cleaned up the recent scene and put the daughter into an adoption center. When I heard and saw the severity of the situation I couldn't bring myself to come and see you until now."

You furrowed your brows and sat up, still looking at the back of Severus' head. "What do you mean until now? How long was I asleep?" You raised your voice, very worried.

Severus cleared his throat and looked into the wall, "Two weeks."

You shook your head and felt the still wet blood on your face, "That can't be right."

"Once you entered the library time within it froze.. until today. You broke the spell." Severus' jaw clenched and he looked to the side, at your legs, avoiding your face.

You took a deep breath, "If I was the one to break it... and it clearly wasn't planned... how long... were you intending me to stay in there." You shook your head and looked away from him the room was still silent. "What kind of man are you? Just as bad as the rest."

Severus whipped around and looked at you for the first time since you got in the bath, "You are an animal! Don't you see? This is what happens when you hangout with your brother and his crowd! I tried to warn you but you didn't listen. You didn't care. I'm not going to sugarcoat it or tell lies. You should know how ridiculous this is!"

You grabbed a rag and wiped off your face, cleaning the blood off. You then got up and Severus looked you in your eyes, his height still causing him to tower over you. You threw the wet rag at his chest and got out of the tub grabbing a towel and wrapping it tightly around you.

Severus sighed and reached for your arm you backed away and held your finger up, "Don't touch me." You commanded.

"You're being irrational and compulsive." He mumbled, "Stay here until you've calmed down and we can go back to Hogwarts."

"Like insulting me is going to make me want to stay! I've apparently stayed here long enough Severus. I'll see you round Christmas. Enjoy your time. I hope you can bring yourself to see me this time." You looked into his eyes once more, he'd known he messed up but you didn't care. "Next time you should sugar coat it."

You apperated to the Black Estate, not wanting to see Avery or Severus. You looked around your room and took a deep and shaky breath. You laid on your bed with wet hair and a towel, covering up with it.

Your entire body was bloodstained and weak. You curled up and faced away from the door, silently crying yourself to sleep.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday! Here are the chapters! I'm posting today in the one shot book as well! Happy Valentine's Day!

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