My Dearest Walburga

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Severus watched from the door, gazing upon the woman he loved to no end, smiling softly. You pulled an old letter from the desk in your father's handwriting, addressed to your mother. It looked to be opened and read over a hundred times. Through the thin parchment, you saw 'our daughter.' And furrowed your brows, "Severus, will you read this to me?"

Severus looked over to you and walked over, taking the envelope from your hand.

"To my Dearest Walburga,

Today in the mail I have received the most interesting of letters. It was (Y/N)'s acceptance letter to Hogwarts. In fear of her being sorted into Gryffindor house like her wretched brother, we shall send her to a school where the students are not sorted. We cannot risk the further embarrassment of our family seeing that we produce Gryffindor.

We shall change her personality, make her believe she is cunning and full of ambition until she embraces it. As much as I regret to do this it is all we can do. We cut our daughter off from the world and she will know nothing but pain and abandonment, giving her further motives to join... other... causes when she is old enough." Severus halted reading and started to scan the paper himself, concern falling upon his face. "I don't-"

You shook your head, "J-Just do it."

Severus nodded, "When going to France she will have to learn the language on her own. If it so happens that our daughter shall resent us for what we've done there is no need to fret darling, for she shall be treated like royalty in this school because of her name. May she forever hold her head high and see that she is to carry on our legacy, as well, alongside her brother, Regulus.

No longer will we be frowned upon by our ancestors, she will be our salvation, making us proud. I know breeding someone for a cause is difficult but just imagine how proud the Dark Lord will be when he realizes that (Y/N) was born and raised to be his soldier. He shall reward us. I cannot wait for that day to come.

Until I see you again, Orion Black." Severus looked up at you, folding the letter back up and clearing his throat.

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