Chapter Thirty Four

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After your short nap you woke up, your body aching. You sat up and felt the pounding headache you had. You kissed Severus' head before getting off of him, quickly getting dressed. You treaded down the stairs and wondered how long you were asleep for.

The Weasley crew all sat at the dinner table, laughing and cutting up, Harry sitting at the far end. They all turned to you and you smiled a bit, Sirius and Remus sat together, Sirius raising his brows at you, "You finally decided to join us." He mumbled.

"Sorry... I was asleep... long... uh... yeah..." You walked to the table and sat beside Sirius who sat at the head. There was an empty chair beside you and Sirius filled his glass with wine. Remus watched the alcohol pour into the glass and sighed to himself.

"Where's your boyfriend, (Y/N)?" Sirius commented before sipping his drink.

"He's upstairs still sleeping. I didn't want to disturb him..." you pulled your chair up and both Weasley twins showed their own form of disappointment or sadness concerning the new boyfriend.

Molly looked at you from the other end of the table and gave you a soft smile. "I'm sure this boyfriend of yours is a delightful young man, dear." She looked at the twins and they looked back down to their plates after seeing the look on their mother's face.

You turned to Molly and smiled brightly, "I do like to think so.."

Sirius rolled his eyes, showing his distaste in the man you felt so strongly for. "Delightful young man... yeah right." He mumbled over the brim of his glass.

Remus discretely kicked Sirius under the table and looked at him, a brow raised, a look that said 'what did I just say?' Sirius tried to stare Remus down for a moment before inevitably losing, Remus was soft most of the time but he was also scary as hell when he was upset.

Fred and George snickered and looked at you, wiggling their brows flirtatiously.

You rolled your eyes at the twins and shook your head, the smile still playing on your face. It was then that the room completely went silent, everyone at the table looking behind you. "Blimey..." Ron finally spoke after a few minutes. You furrowed your brows and looked behind you, there he was, your delightful young man.

The room was silent again except for Molly smacking Ron in the back of the head. What felt like hours later later, Remus finally stood with a smile and extended his hand. "Ah! Severus! You've finally decided to join us!"

Severus' eyes slowly left your own, looking at Remus. He shook Remus' hand firmly and fixed his cloak before sitting down. "Glad to... be here." He said before placing his hand on your nervously bouncing knee. You took a breath and looked around.

Sirius couldn't help but laugh and sip on his glass. "Everyone... welcome (Y/N)'s boyfriend."

Remus kicked him firmly before sitting down and laughing softly, lifting his own glass. "Yes, welcome Severus, welcome."

The room was quiet before Molly smiled and stood, walking to you both and rubbing your back softly. She raised her brows at you, seeming to question your brother's statement. "Well! This is a surprise!"

You reached back and patted Molly's hand, "Well I guess I've changed a lot in the past few years..." you smiled nervously and felt the slight offense radiating off of Severus.

Molly nodded softly and patted Severus' shoulder as well. "Well it finally have properly met you!" Her smile never faltered and the twins only half-suppressed a laugh.

Ron was still baffled looking at Harry who hadn't even thought of what to say. You felt Severus' thumb dig into your knee softly and you quickly glanced down at his thumb, back to your plate. This rose some suspicion in Sirius and he tried to kick Remus' foot, missing and getting him right in the shin.

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