Chapter Thirty One

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You thought about what Remus and Sirius had said, the cold air nipping at your skin. You closed your eyes and leaned back in your chair, trying to block out the noises of your brother having the time of his life.

You felt need ping in your stomach of wanting to be split open by Severus and you almost apperated to Hogwarts. You had to restrain yourself and find a distraction in this big and empty house.

You could read an exotic novel... but what was the point? You wanted the real thing. Avery's name echoed through your mind and then escaped your lips. You and Avery had a protocol for sexual frustration but you couldn't take it anymore, you needed something, anything.

You apperated to Malfoy Manor in a number of seconds. You braced yourself on the bed and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. Your entire body wasn't in sync, your animagi being kept behind lock and key by the potion you were still under. This caused you to feel a new sickness you'd never felt.

You dashed to the bathroom, disregarding the running shower, and vomited in the toilet. The shower curtain opened a bit and Avery quickly got out, collecting your hair to hold it back. He rubbed your back, dripping wet. "Let it out... there you go..." he reassured, calming you down. You cleared your throat and stood up, wiping your mouth.

You looked at Avery and hugged him tightly, he smiled and kissed your head softly. "Do you wanna get in the shower, darling?" You nodded and Avery stepped back from you, pulling your shirt over your head. "Come on..."

You pushed your leggings down and Avery struggled endlessly with your bra. You sighed and reached behind you, taking it off yourself. Avery helped you into the shower and you hummed at the warm water that cascaded down your body. Avery put his hands on your hips for 'support'.

You turned around and looked into his deep brown eyes, you leaned on his chest, scared of what you wanted to say next. "J'ai besoin de toi..." you whispered. You heard Avery's heart skip a beat and his grip on your hip tightened slightly.

"You're pulling my leg darling."

You looked into Avery's eyes and pulled him down by his neck, connecting your lips. Avery smiled into your lips and held you close. During the long kiss you thought of Severus, that was the only way you were going to get through this. A tear ran down your cheek and Avery pulled away for a second, wiping it away. "No come on... we don't need that."

He picked your thigh up and brought it above his hip, he was trying to move quickly. You pushed at his chest but his grip was iron clad. He was nibbling at your neck and jaw. Your jaw clenched and you put your hand in his face, pushing him back by his head, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

You pushed him into the wall and Avery's face twitched, "Don't do it darling."

"Get out." You commanded, opening the shower curtain. Avery didn't move and you felt the embarrassment boiling within you, "GET OUT!" You screamed at top volume. Avery quickly scurried out of the shower and you leaned against the wall, sliding down it slowly.

You put your face in your hands and thought about what you were just about to do. You felt so much guilt and dread. If you didn't stop Avery that would be something you could never take back.

You saw a shadow of someone behind the curtain and watched as they stood there for a moment before turning and leaving the room.

You took a breath and part of you wished you would just disappear, have no problems to deal with. You looked to the black curse on your left arm, it was the root of all your problems, a stupid mistake you made when you were seventeen.

The curtain flew open and you looked up into motherly eyes, looking down on you with sympathy and sadness. She shut off the water and got you to your feet. She wrapped you in a towel and sat you on the toilet. "There we are..."

Narcissa grabbed a brush and started to slowly brush out your hair, she had always wanted a daughter but after Draco she didn't want to have any more children. "Cissy...?" You whispered.

Narcissa raised her brows and started to hand dry your hair. "You're going to take me back to Severus' house... aren't you?" Narcissa didn't respond.

"He cares deeply for you... in a way I've seen him care for no other."

"Except Lilly." You looked down and played with your fingers.

Narcissa nodded, "You aren't wrong... I won't tell you lies or shelter you from the truth... but who told you of the late Mrs. Potter...?"

"I figured it out on my own. I'm not stupid... I can't believe he tried to keep it from me..." you got up and picked your clothes up, getting dressed.

"I think it was less of him wanting to keep it from you... and more of him not ready to come to the terms that he was moving on..." you looked back at Narcissa with sad eyes. "Severus had been in love with Lilly until day one... even after her death he made it known to us all he'd never fall in love again... I do believe that he has..." She got up and placed her hands on your shoulders, "He didn't replace Lilly... he just found someone he could love more..."

You looked down and bit your lip, "Thank you Cissy..." you whispered, hugging her tightly. Narcissa smiled and rubbed your back.

"Be good to Severus... after all these years of pain he deserves something good... I know you are that good (Y/N)... now... get back to wherever you came from... I won't tell anytime you were here... I'll make Draco forget he saw you..."

"Avery too... please..." you whispered, realizing that Draco was the person to get Narcissa. She nodded and smiled, kissing your head and letting you go to apperate. You did just that, going back to your bedroom at Black estate.

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