Chapter Thirty Five

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As Christmas was wrapped up at the Black house you and Severus were telling everyone goodbye, having your own personal agenda once you got back to Spinners End, it still being Christmas Break.

You walked to Sirius, the last person you had to say goodbye to. He smiled at you and pulled you into a warm hug. "If he does anything to you I'm one apperation away."

You giggled and shook your head, "I promise everything will be alright, brother." You kissed his cheek and turned back to Severus who held his hand out to Sirius. Sirius nodded at him and shook his hand, "I'm not afraid to beat your ass Severus."

Severus chuckled lightly, "We'll see who comes out on top of that battle, Sirius."

You rolled your eyes, "There is too much testosterone in this room." You grabbed Severus' hand, "Are you ready darling?" Severus nodded once and the both of you apperated to his home.

Once you looked around the library, your back to the rest of the room. "You know... I think we should attend to our... plans... Severus..." you smiled, looking to the dark haired man.

Severus chuckled and grabbed your hand, pulling you into his chest. You smiled and closed your eyes, connecting your lips. The kiss was heated and deep, you ran your hands through Severus' thick hair and you pulled away, looking for the leather chair.

Your heart stopped as you looked into a familiar pair of brown eyes. "Hello Darling." You'd been caught. Severus didn't turn around, he only clenched his fists and you stepped away from him.

"Why are you here Avery?"

"Any Malfoy will squeal if you use the right tactics. That younger one... he loves to talk... especially about his dreaded Professor and his... love interest." Avery ran his finger along the dusty mantle, walking around the room.


Avery turned his attention to Severus. "I think you should leave the two of us alone Sevvy. I'd like to talk to the woman I was right about all along."

Severus' wand slid down his sleeve and he held it tightly. Avery chuckled, "Guess not. Come on old friend. Take a hit." Avery drew his wand and you placed a hand on Severus' shoulder. He looked to you, one brow slightly raised. You shook your head at him and he nodded once.

Avery laughed and walked up to Severus, placing his wand into the back of Severus' neck. "Damn... she's got you wrapped around her finger. Doesn't she?"

Severus tilted his head up slightly, he was one spell away from being gone forever. He knew how hot headed Avery was so he stayed calm, trying to ice the fire that burned within your bestfriend.

This had the opposite effect, practically dumping gasoline onto the blaze that was named Avery. His jaw clenched and you grabbed Severus' arm, so scared of the impulse that your friend carried within.

Avery looked at your grip on Severus' arm and his face twitched. He leaned to Severus' right ear, right between the two of you. "Crucio." He spat. Your eyes got wide and Severus' closed as the spell ripped through his neck, spreading through his being.

Severus yelled out in excruciating pain as his body was engulfed by the darkness of suffering. It was as if every cigarette burn on his skin was lit up, burning deeper and deeper as each second passed, the ache even going through the bone. You looked down at him in horror and tears ran down his face, "R-R-Run!" He stuttered, barley being able to talk.

You looked to Avery who watched Severus with an animalistic grin. You looked at the door and made a break for it. Avery looked at you and left Severus to his pain. "Darling don't you leave me! You promised you'd love me! Forever!" You ran to the bathroom, seeing no other way out, Avery had you trapped.

You heard him fiddle with the door knob violently trying to rip it off. You covered your mouth to muffle your sobs, "I'll have his heart on a silver platter for you! You know I will!"

"Avery... please... I- why are you so... obsessed with me..?" You laid your head against the door and tried to reason with him.

Avery laughed and shook his head, "You just don't know it yet! That's it! You don't know that you love me and I love you the same! I- I need to awaken it in you! Come on... open the door! Let's not fight. Sure you're scared. I've been there... but Azkaban... it showed me... I need you. I can set you free!"

You stepped away from the door and looked around for a window, anything. Avery kicked the handle, smashing the door frame. The door flew open and you froze. Avery smiled and walked to you, he placed his hands on your hips and you flinched slightly.

"One day... we shall have an extravagant wedding... and I'll be your everything... we'll be bond forever... rein over the Wizarding World with the Dark Lord... spreading the teachings of our pureblood supremacy to our beautiful children..." Avery twisted his finger around one of the curls in your hair. "That each bare the signature curly Black locks..."

You closed your eyes tightly, never believing your friendship would make it go this extent. Avery looked at your tear stricken face in the mirror and furrowed his brow, "Oh come on now... let us pull ourselves together. We have a show to put on. Walk with me," Avery placed his wand to your neck and you gulped, walking with him as he giddily ran back to the living room.

Severus still laid on the floor, his body contorting in pain. Avery relieved him of the spell and Severus' gaze was blank as he stared into your eyes. You felt guilty for not being able to escape. Avery pulled Severus up off the ground, placing him into the chair. "Petrificus Totalus." He casted before turning back to you. "Look... we have an audience."

Avery reached into the side pocket of your leather jacket and pulled out your MP3. He then pulled the jacket off of you, staring at your Dark Mark. "So beautiful..." he kissed your hand and played You Don't Own Me by Lesley Gore, you and Avery's song.

"Perfect. Imperio." He pointed his wand at you, the second Unforgivable Curse he'd used in one night. He took your hands and the both of you started to do your old salsa routine. On the outside you were smiling brightly as you swayed in Avery's arms but on the inside you were screaming, being locked behind the bars of the curse, having to watch yourself with the man.

"His hands... explore your body with precise and rough hunger. His eyes drag along your face with lust and love. In place of my own. You chose him over me. It's more than I can stand. So I choose to make you mine. Whether you like it or not."

Your emotions were heightened inside your brain and you could have sworn you felt a surge leave your body.

When Avery dipped you as the song finally came to an end he closed his eyes and placed a kiss to your head. "Perfect..." he mumbled.

It was then that the door was kicked in. Avery looked to the new arriving crowd and dropped you. It was a bunch of Auras. "Shit." He cursed. Your eyes grew wide and they grabbed Avery's wand from his hand. "We found one of the escaped. He's with a girl."

"Check her arm." Fudges voice rang out. The auras looked at your right arm and saw your Dark Mark. "Sir. She's one. We'll take her in along with Pollmere. They seem to have Severus Snape under some frozen spell. These people make me sick." The Auras grabbed you and snapped Avery's wand, yours still in your leather jacket that laid on the floor.

The magic binding you to him faded and you kicked and screamed, you were being hauled off to Azkaban.

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