Chapter Twenty Six

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You woke the next morning feeling groggy and not ready to start the day. You played with your MP3, flipping through the songs, not wanting to get up. You heard your door open and you quickly acted as if you were asleep.

You felt a warm hand run across your bare back, in your sleep you had removed your shirt. You tried to stay as calm as possible. A kiss was placed to your temple, the hints of a small stubble grazed your face. Who the hell did you know that had a stubble.

The door opened again and closed softly. You furrowed your brows and opened your eyes, rubbing your temple. You shook your head and got out of bed, changing into some casual clothes.

You looked at the desk on the left wall, it was where you always used to write your letters to Bella. You sat down at the desk and looked in the mirror. You felt so bad about not writing Bella for the longest time. You sighed and looked down at the blank parchment, writing down the key for your letters.

One- (Y/N)
Two- Bella
Three- Intimacy or sex
Four- Azkaban
Five- Relationship
Six- Kill

It was all you could really remember and you were disappointed in yourself. You started to write a letter on a different sheet and told Bella all that had happened in your life since you last wrote her, almost five months ago. When you were done you shredded both the pieces of paper and walked out of your bedroom, your body begging for fresh air.

As you walked down the hall you changed corse to avoid some Death Eaters who had arrived early for the party, Voldemort was no where to be seen and you were pretty glad. You went into the kitchen and snagged some toast and eggs.

You wanted to evade any and all human contact but your eye was caught by a dark haired man talking to Lucius. His face was stone, his eyes a deep brown, he stood with confidence and he was the most beautiful man you'd seen. You watched as he explained something out of your earshot to Lucius. You could tell by his eyes he was carefully picking and placing his words. He owned the conversation and suddenly his brown eyes found yours.

You flinched softly at his intense stare and he smirked softly, looking away, back at Lucius. You sighed and put your plate down, walking to the both of them, clearing your throat. "Lucius..." you greeted before turning to the other man. "Severus.." you whispered.

Snape smirked slightly at you, hiding it from Lucius with his hair. "Yes (Y/N)?" Lucius asked. You shrugged, "I was wondering if I could go play with the peacocks outside. I'm sure they'd be a delicious snack."

Snape stifled a chuckle and Lucius furrowed his brows, "If you touch my peacocks I'll have to remove you from this house. Do you understand?" You rolled your eyes, "Well I have a bloodlust. Haven't been able to touch anything since I started my job." You looked at Snape and raised your brow. He scoffed and walked away. You laughed and caught up with him, "Coward."

"Mm.. watch what you say young lady."

You smirked softly, "What are you going to do? Use it against me?" You reached out for Snape's shoulder and he whipped around, grabbing your hand and slamming you into the nearest wall. Your breath hitched and you clenched your thighs. "Please..." you whispered, so tempted to kiss him.

Snape got close to your face, "Don't. It isn't smart to touch me." He was playing his part well.

"Says the man holding me to a wall." You spat in his face and Snape's nose brushed against yours, him fighting off his own desire. Many people were around watching in shock. "Set yourself on fire. I'll gladly watch you burn." He let you go and stormed off, wiping his face.

You took a deep breath, it was then you realized it was twelve o'clock, you needed to start getting ready. To stay in this persona you yelled softly in frustration, storming up to your room. You started to do your hair and make up, this was a long process considering you were a Black.

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