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So its now the 2nd day since me and yoongi fucked and i swear im not gonna be jealous again,... and we did it 20 times in 2 fucking days, as i woke up that time, i literally saw him fucking me bareback while im asleep! I sighed and decided to walk into the kitchen

"O-ow!" I said and rubbed by bottom, im gonna cry...

"Its ok jimin.. you can do it, " tae walked to the kitchen limping too, encouraging me

"Sucks for us.." ami said while holding the wall preventing to fall cuz know what, she limping too..

"Yknow what, next time guys we should have fix it in more preferable way, like good talk.. i swear im never gonna be jealous agai- eekk" seokjin hyung said walking up tl our direction while his one hand on his back but then startled when namjoon walked up to his and carried him bridal style

"Oh babe shut up... its not my fault we did it gazillion times, its not my fault pounding ya ass for many times cuz you keep sayinv 'more' and 'break me daddy'" namjoon said smirking while jin blushed and hid his face on his boyfriend's neck and starts to throw a HARD punches that madr namjoon chuckled

"Ya'll nasty.. go fuck somewhere agai-waOMG!"taehyung get startled when his body lifts up no knowing jungkook lift him up bridal style too "WTF YOU SCARED ME!" Tae said as he slapped jungkook's chest

"Shout at me again kitten and ill fucking make you shout all day....again"jungkkok said as he grinned and taehyung muttered a small sorry master and wrapped his arms on jungkook's neck

"Soooooo imma carry my bride too" hoseok then appeeared out of nowhere and lifted ami bridal style and walked to the kitchen... ami whined and throw cute pubches at hoseok's chest making hoseok giggle

"Yall sappy in thr morning ugghh" i rolled his eyes

"You just bitter cuz min suga aka min yoongi which is so called your daddy is still sleeping and even he is awake hr will not gonna lift u ul cuz he is a lazy sloth" jin sassed and i just glared at him

"Hey jungkook, can you go there in the stairs and shout 'i love you jimin' and prolly hide behind me" i says as jungkook nodded and walked to the stairs

"I LOVE YOU JEON JIMIN!!!!" Jungkook shouted and hid behind jimin cuz out of nowhere, the angel of death with his cat face and short height came down from thr stairs as he hold unto his imaginary blade

"CMERE! AND I WILL FUCKING SWIPE YOUR DICK INTO THE CHEESE GRATER!" Yoongi shouted and was about to attack jungkook but i looked at him with puppy eyes " 'addy h-huwts"i pouted as i carresed my butt and fake cried... yoongi then went to hug his boyfriend which js me, tightly and lift me up by wrapping my legs into the older and he rub my back

"Ok so now i want strawberry milkshake and a strawberry cupcakes with lots of whipped cream on top and some chocolate.. follow my orders u peasant or else, your dick wont taste a delicious ass even if your dick withered idc... no comments and buts, put me on the sofa and play some movies and bring my favorite comfy blanket and my adventure time plushie" i said as yoongi hyung put me down on the couch and play some movies then vanished to buy my foods... the other stared with me in agape and jin hyunh starts to tell his boyfriend the catering(s) he wanted to eat... as go by the two hyenas...

-time skip- (cuz ya author is sleepy as always)


"Yes hello... yes were going to get there in 10.. yes, thank you have a good day too manager nim" namjoon said as he talks into his phone

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