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It is now their second shoot for the BTS run episode out of 3 episode they should make.. its tuesday morning with a warm smile and loud laugh emitting from every person in the room (its the bts run where bangtan were florists)

"Ooh jimin you look so good in there" yoongi said while eyeing jimin while he arrange his flowers and the small midget's cheeks looks like slapped one hundred million thousand thousand hundred hundred times hard than any manga seme's dick

"T-thank you h-hyungie" jimin said and hide his whole face into the two red roses in his hands and push the flowers to his face while hiding his never ending smile "ow ow ouch fuck -" jimin muttered and threw the roses to the table

"Why what happened let me see" yoongi said and passed hoseok and jin standing beside him and touch jimin's face not minding the camera still rolling

"Im not gonna be surprised if jimin die one day cuz of stupidity. Bitch thats roses , look at those nasty thorns" taehyung said and continue to maje his boquet or flowers and looked to jungkook who's staring at him and look at the flower and look at jungkook again

"jungkook, stop eye fucking me please" taehyung said and looked at namjoon

"and hyung please edit that out "he added and gave a apologetic smile at his hyung who heave a sigh.. the staffs took a whole day so the shoot was asigned to the leader who is namjoon obviously to keep the camera running and cut the not so good parts if necessary and pass it to the head editor while manager sejin provide the place where did they shoot and jin and jimin took care of each member's light make up besides izumi who looks like a deceased cuz of her thick make up

"Gosh jimin what are you doing tsk tsk.. look at these its bleeding " yoongi said and. Jimin pouted and looked down at his foot while yoongi grab one of the flower with stem and slid it next to jimin's left ear

"Thats just a small scar dont worry.. it wont affect your beauty" yoongi said and starts to walk back at his place while namjoon stare at them with amusement thinking he might gonna delete it so it wont be part of the run episode since the two acting lovey dovey at rhe cam but doesnt mean he cant make a copy of it and save to his ymin folder

"How about me oppa?hmm? Im sooww pwetttyy tooo see?" Izumi then made a cute face that yoongi suddenly wanna gag and taehyung whos standing next to yoongi snorted at the sight

"Were florist and youre absolutely a bee" taehyung snorted and izumi glared at him and izumi just go back to his boquet wanting to finish it so he can give it to yoongi

"Ughhh.. im so bad at these flowers" ami said and sigh

"I cant help you with the flower but i can deflower you" hoseok said and licked hiz lips wet and ami's throat dried and a sudden whack at thr bacj of his head from jin was heard

"Stop being so sexual around my pretty poor flowers you nasty perverts!" Jin said and if glare can kill, the rest maybe dead now

"Me taetae! I can be a bee so ill jab you with my long thick stings" jungkook said sexily most at the last part of his sentence and bite his lower lip and wiggle his eyebrows and taehyung felt wet at his motherfucking cinderella tuesday panties and let out a breathy moan that he can only hear and put the entire flower of rose into his mouth and jimin rolled his eyes at his bitchfriend

"Yeah i support you, go on and i wish you become a bee so ill hit you with my fly rod you motherfucker" jin said at jungkook and yoongi snorted at that

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