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"What do u mean by tommorow?" Yoongi said as he, namjoon, jin, jungkook, and hoseok are sitting on the long sofa facing the two staff with came intk their house... the 3 hyenas are hidinig into namjin's room

"Yes.. iseul should have told you last week but his wife gave birth to their first child so he kinds forgot it and we, other staffs thought that iseul already told you guys and pdnim contacted him yesterday and iseul himself forgot it. So we kinda need. To go to practice now..." manager sejin said and jungkook pouted at the thought that the cuddling session with his taetae got cancelled again.. he sighed

"What number of performers are we listed manager-nim?" Jungkook asked as manager sejin opened his binder and find stack of paper inside and grabbed. The thinnest one flippint its pages

"Well... lets see" manager said as he flipping trough pages "number 13th" manager said as he looked at up the boys and they all nodded

"Lets go.. were running out of time!" Manager said as he starts to stand up and about to walk-

"W-wait!" Jungkook shouted standing up while his hands are forming a stop sign... they all looked up at him and when he noticed it he clears his throat and fix his posture

"Erm.. d-do we need some extra artist? I mean erm, for make ups or c-clothed cuz i can contact my 'friends'" jungkook says as he refer to the 3 hyenas hiding at namjin's room

"No.. were not in need.. now cmo-"

"I have to go get my charger at my room" yoongi said as starts to walk up and directledly walk to namjin's room

"Me too... i dont want to left sprite so imma get that pretty thing" hoseok said as he walk to namjin's room

"My banana milk is in my room tooo~~ .. " jungkook sang and walk to namjin's room that made the manager furrowed his eyebrows

"Why are they saying they left something about their room when all their directions are om namjoon's room?" (A/n: so eya'll remember that namjin's room is originally namjoom's room cuz jin's room is used by jimin, currently) manager said as he looked at the namjin couple

"W-we had sleepover last night in jin's room and they kinda forgot their things... yeah, forgot" jin said and added a very awkward laugh

"Erm.. ok? Please be quick, ill go ready the car" manager said ad he walked outside


"What are they talking about?" Taehyung says biting his thumb while walking back and forth

"Tae oppa stop.. youre making me dizzy" ami whined

"Shhhh!" Jimin scolded as he and ami dive their one ear on the door hoping that they would hear some of the manager's word

"Theyre talking about mama awarding" ami confirmed and taehyung clasped his hands togeth-

The door suddenly opened revealing jungkook, hoseok, and yoongi "arent you done talki-" jungkook then cutted taehyung off when the younger burried his nose on the older's neck-

"What manager said to-mmhhh" Yoongi cutted jimin off by pulling him in a deep kiss and jimin wrapped his arms on yoongi's neck while yoongi wrapped his arms on jimin's small waist

"Eww.. sweet-disgustin-" hoseok cutted ami by pecking her lips that made ami blush and just hugged hoseok and burried her fave on hoseok's sideways that made hoseok chuckled (A/n: imagine, hoseok chukling at your cuteness!!😍. Daddy hoseokk!! Its only IMAGINE and your not cute)

"Eww stop that, youre not making this room to have an anal sex without me you ungrateful brats" jin scolded while leaning. On the door that made namjoon sighed "ok guys, stop that.. we need to go.. we have time to chase" namjoon said as he glanced at his wrist watch that made jungkook pout

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