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'I just couldnt believe him! That prick!'  I said to myself as i stare at the tv while playing with my chips in a bowl

'How dare he wore that fucking clothes and go there to that awarding! To what? Stare at her ass? Her pus*y shape? What? Boobs!?? Im gonna. Fucking kill hi- "jimin!! Are you even listening to me??" Tae suddenly cutted me off 

"What is it?" I asked and tilt my head "i said stop it.. crumbs are on thr floor already and what did you do to that cute chips? You made them powderized!" Taehyung suddenly yell at me.. i sighed its all because of yoongi-hyung i convinced myself and lower my head i was about to speak and look up when the door suddenly opened

"Hey guys were home" hoseok hyung said happily as they entered carrying some stuffs and bags.. and in his back, reavealing jungkook, namjoon, and yoongi.... i swear, imma be a criminal after this shit plan

"Ami amore~~"

"Baby boy"

"My taebear"  yoongi, jungkook and hoseok drop their bags and opened their arms waiting for a tight hug... i smiled and looked at tae who was smiling alongside with ami....we decided to walk to them with open arms too

'Awww did i save our country in my past life to deserve this sweet boyfriend? Im moved.. i really lovr my boyfriend so muc- 

We walked pass them and pull jin hyung to a very tight hug...

But it doesnt change thr favt that they cheated and doing silly things whe wr not around them... one lie for a one dick.. i smirked looking at the 3 confused while namjoon-hyung just sighed

"Congratulations eomma! Im so proud of you!" Ami chirped and we all giggle hugging him

"Wth jimin baby? Come here love.. i want your cuddles" yoongi said pouting 'ha the audacity! Welcome home. Cheater!"

"Me too ami.. i missed you so so much buba!" Hoseok said doing aegyo but ami jusy rolled her eyes

"Taebear, cmere.. lemme give you a kiss" jungkook said grabbing tae's cloth but taehyung didnt mind.. namjoon hyung sighed again

"Ok, what did i do again my love?" Namjoon said as he remove the other's grasp into jin hyung and pull him into a tight hug but jin hyung didnt answer..... when thry both pull off the hug, jin-hyung grabbed my shoulders

"Did you hear anything? Is there a voice? Cmon now fellow angel... wr dont need cheater in our lives" jin hyung said as he glared at namjoon hyung and i looked at yoongi and glare at him too... we started to walk away when I heard yoongi hyung shouted my name.. as much as I want to run to him and hug him until he lose breath and smooch him, my hurted pride and heart cant... I sighed


"JIMIN!!" yoongi shouted as he watch his boyfriend walk away without glancing back at him.. he sighed and glance at Jungkook, namjoon, and hobi

"so what the fuck was that? why my sunshine avoid me just now?" hoseok asked at the other sighed deepl again... "how do we answer your question hyung when we all have the same problem here" Jungkook answered..

"I don't know what happened to jimin.. when we left tomorrow, all is fine and even earlier before the awarding, im facetiming him so I don't have any idea what happened to him" yoongi said as he make his way to the couch and threw himself there... "same.. I think we don't give them much attention and kisses and cuddles" hobi said as he rest his head on yoongi's shoulder..


"im very tired but jin's cuddles and kisses is worth than any diamond in this fucking whole world... so imma make it up to him" namjoon said "me too" Jungkook said "lets make them dinner and set the balcony to a double-fourple date (an: LOL!!!!!) hoseok said happily and sat up... the three made their ways to the kitchen while yoongi just sighed thinking what could have he do...

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now