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Im tapping my fingers to my lil pinky to the thumb, im waiting for my soulmate which is kim fucking taehyung to be here in any minute... when i hear knock on my door.. i ran to the door and open it without any emotion cuz i know who it is.. the fucker

"hey jim, please help me to carry this things" he gestured his hands through his belolings w/c makde me jungshook

"the fuck tae? You said 'pack some of your clothes' not 'pack your whole damn closet'" he giggled

"yknow jim, my parents is going to L.A with mr. shin and his family tho" i sat on the couch while taetae is organizing his things through the other room..

taehyung's father is now the seoul's mayor and mr. Kim and mr. Shin are 2nd cousins so this lil taelien here have golden spoon in his mouth.... and as you see, my house is just apartment with 2 rooms..

I furrowed my eyebrows and look at tae approaching me and thre himself beside me "Mr. Shin says he's going to vacation.. so your parents do too"

"yep right"he says

" so why didn't you go with them?" I ask confused

"bitch, i know i shouldnt have tell you this cause it will make your hearty hearty flutterd but you leave me no choice" he said while im staring at him confused.

" of course you bitch, mr. Shin goes to L.A if i go with them who will accompany you now? I dont like you being alone chim.. and besides jungkook doesnt give me permission to leave our country jim. He doesnt want to have Long distance relationship in two months.. i plead to him but he says he'll miss the shit out of me "

we laugh together like crazy hyenas "awwwww" i hugged him " thanks taetae.. im really happy you were my friend.. i lovd you tae" he hugged me back " i love you too jimin but what are you exactly called me here for?" He asked "oh i forgot" i grab his hands "cmon lets go to my room" he lets go of my hand

" jimin mygosh no! Im not ready yet i told you i treat you like my bro-"

i didnt let him finish i grab his hands and walk to my room and threw him in my bed " jimin, pleass im begging you! Dont rape me please! 911!!"

I sighed

" shut the fuck up tae!" He shuted up i began looking for the bottle in my drawer

"so where's yoongi number 26? Is he big?"

"TAE!! Wtf!!" He laugh

"cmon jimin im just joking" i rolled my eyes and sitted down in my bed with him while holding the bottle

"joke your ass!" I glared at him...

"oh what' that?" He asked "you know i love you tae right? We love each other right? " i ask and he nodded

" so, im going to share it to you" he gasped

"omygosh jimin, if thats a poison stop it right now" i hissed at him

"kim.fucking.taehyung would you please let me finish talking?" He nodded

"so..... what the fuck was it?" I sighed and tell her the whole story how i got into the 'creepy stall' and how i went to bts house earlier....

"Woah woah slow down you fucker, are you being serious?" I nodded

"then what about the name of the old lady?"

shoookktt "i-i-i ahhhh u-uhhmm i didnt know?" I rub my neck

"seriously?" I sighed while opening the bottle

"woah jimin what are you doing?"

"Tae, do you trust me?" He nodded

"dip your finger at the cap the of bottle and ill dip my finger too, in the count of three we both suck both our fingers ok?" We dip ou finger and i start counting.




A few minutes, we both groan while laying on the floor in bts's living room? I guess? "Tae are you ok?"

"Im fine jimin just-" he cant speak at all.. he is probably mutr now, yeah hes mute.. i look at the direction where tae is looking and im mute too.. i cant speak now those fuckers😶

"h-holy fuck" we both blurted out still both of our mouth agape..

why jungkook and suga dont have a shirt on while wartching tv and they are hot as fuck

" jimin, please tell me im not dreaming! Jimin punch me, im letting jungkook take my virginity now jim come on!" I was dumbfounded not getting up there while tae is shouting

" DADDYYYY KOOKIEEE COMMEE FUCKK MEE!!"  He says runnin to jungkook but taehyung pass at jungkook which make taetae shock..

"JIMIN!" I snap out of my daydreaming of being under yoongi when i saw taehyung crying.

I ran to him "hey why are you crying tae? Its ok its ok" he sobs and i hugged him

"aa-am i dead n-now jim? I-is this my soul?" I chuckled

"no its not.. we should drink five drops of the potion to make ourselves visible to them" i say while carresing taetae's cheek and wiping his tears

"r-really?" He asked

"yeah of course, now your shock and we need to talk about this ok? We need to go back" i said to him

"can i kiss jungkook first" i smiled

"of course! What a husband are you if your not giving attention to your husband?" He squealed

"ok ok wait here" i watch taeae while walking to jungkook's location and i saw him kissed jungkook. I wonder if jungkook feels that? I look at my husband now sleeping, he looks so peaceful angel with shit

"im going to ignore you for now daddy, wait for more days daddy and you'll see your baby after that" i said under my breath and i didnt realize taehyung was already there

"are you done with that staring while saying 'fuck me hard and rough daddy till i pass out' huh?"

"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" I shouted at him ..and

"FUCK YOU!!" we shouted at the same time...

immediately my husband min yoongi rose from the couch and shouted "WHO'S THAT!"

and jungkook shouted too "WHO'S IN THERE!!!??

"SHOW YOURSELF BEFORE I'LL CALL THR COPS!" we both flinched and i tremble at the point

" go back" i say and were both lying on my bed again...

We both look at each other " my husband heard me"


  Oh yeah this story is shitty as myself.. and im deeply fuckig shitting sorry for that...

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now