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"Jimin-ah honey baby sweetcheeks cmon wakey ups now" i heard a voice said and slightly shaking me.. i groaned still not wanting to wake up

"Leave me alone mister please" i rolled to the side of the bed and pull the blanket to cover my entire body and the man chuckles.. a few minutes i felt that someone hug me, i was about to freak out but i remember my boyfriend is here..... MY min yoongi... i smiled and rolled to my side see him resting his head on this palm whild the othsr one is on my waist

"Woked up now baby?" He asked i whinned discovering thr fact thst he just put his arms on my waist

"Hmm~~ why you did not hug me" i pouted and he chuckled and then hug me

"You are really clingy and i love to baby you so much"he said as nuzzle my nose unto his neck

"Im baby to everyone even of the president" i said as he chuckles

"Everyone as in every person?" He asked and i nodded smiley

"Yeah.. every person.. even.....jiho" i said smirking but then he pushed me off i giggled

"Oh cmon im just joking yoongiii come i need your cuddles~" i sang he scoffed

"Go to that kang jihoe and satisfy your urge to have cuddles in this early fucking morning and maybe ask him to give you kisses and i swear he'll do more that that" he said sitting on the bed with his back faving me and crossed arms i chuckled

"Oh cmon baby im just joking besided i only wsnt your cuddles and kisses" i said as inlift up myself and sit on his lap

"Hey look at me" i said i cupped his face whos trying to avoid my gaze but then he is more stonger than me that i cant even move his heaf to face me.. i looked down and pouted he sighed

"I cant really resist your cutd fave dont i?" He said as he looked down on me and put his hands on my waist slightly grabbing them.. i giggled

" yeah youre too whipped for me hihihi" i giggled and he just laughed

"Kiss" he said and dive into my mouth.. as he about to enter his tounge on mine i push him off

"Yuchk yuck nowwy nowyyy morninf breath yuckyy" i said as i ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth i can hear him laughing..

I faved the mirror and grab my toothbrush and put some past on it and starts brushing when yoongi joined md and starts brushing his teeth too... we giggled and madd goofy fave together until we finished and i noticed that he got small beards i rinsd my mouth off and grab shaving cream and razor

"What are you doing?" He asked "i decide that im gonna shave your small beards here look your face feels like rough floor" i reached for his hands and makd him caress his cheeks he nodded

"Why dont i be rough with you on floor instead hmm?" He said and wiggle his eyebrows i slightly slapped his shoulders

"S-stop it! Why would u make everything so sexual?" I asked and i lift my hands "uppies" i said as he sat me on the sink facing back the mirror (a/n: their sink has a flat surface before tr actual sink)

I manage to put my hands on the foamy substance then playfully spread it on his cheeks and chins and under his nose. I giggled

"What are yoi giggling for" he asked with burrowed eyebrows that made me giggle more

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