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"I-im inv-insisible" i cried... im not sure why the fuck im crying but im sure about one particular reason " im scared" i walked towards the corner's room and sit and hug my knees while def. Sobbing the shit out of me... i

m happy that i saw them but, im scared, why cant i touch them? See them? What if i cant go back to normal? Am i gonna die? I sobb again while observing 5 members talking and laughing with each other in living room... i walked out of the house and i startled when the old lady is in front of me..

"Jimin why are crying son?" While wiping my tears at my cheeks

" i-im scared, they cant see me " i sob again.. she hugged me "everything's gonna be alright" she said.. i pull out of the hug to see her looking at me

" you should drink 5 drops of the potion to let yourself visible" she says " if you wanna go back, just say "go back" and then you'll be back.. i think your shock son, go home now and rest " and she dissapeared " go back" and im infront of my desk now and notice my cheeks are still wet

" woahhh what the fuck was that! I saw them i saw them!!" While jumping like an total idiot " i have to tell this to tae tommorow! That son of a bitch! " i threw myself at my bed and smiling like stupid and decided to tell tae, im impatient motherfucker

I picked my phone and call tae... it ring 4 times before tae answered it

"hey bitch, if you will tell me your jungkook's wife, then hang up before i ran out of there and kill the shit out of you"

i rolled my eyes and he chuckled on the other line,

" hoe you wont Believe what happened to me!" He gasped

" j-jimin wh-what happened to you!??? Did yoongi came out of the poster and fuck you ass!!?? He gasped "omygod omygod that's why your excited right?" I rolled my eyes again.

" yeah he came out of from my 26 posters here so theres 26 min yoongi who's lining to fuck my ass here, min yoongi number 21 is still fucking me right now" with sarcasm on my voice

"omhgod! Tell yoongi number 26 to prepare himself to go back at the poster and grab jungkook to fuck me too! Omygod my daddy!!" I sighed

" tae, you know i love you right? But your getting worse tae... you should go to mental hospital tae. Im worried for you" while shaking my head

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" He said and I chuckled.

"Seriously tae, i want to tell you something"

"what is it?" He asked

"since summer vacation starts tommorow come here at my house and you sleep over here? I have a surprise to you"




"jimin, are you perhaps??? Do you wanna sleep with me? And surprise? Do you plan to surprise me with your virginity? Jimin... i know im handsome and kind but your my bestfriend and soulmate jimin i even treat you like my twin.. i cant.. and also, jungkook will be hurt jim, i dont want to ruin our relationship jim im sorry"

i sighed

" YOU KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG! ITS NOT LIKE THAT YOU DIMWIT! and first of all you and jungkook have no relationship cause he doesnt knos you! And second! I dont plan to give you my virginity bitch! I only offer this "limited edition" virginity to my boyfriend and future husband MIN YOONGI" i said while panting from shouting


"tae seriously, come here before i change my mind.. thus surprise is more important than your life"

"ok since you used my life it must be important.. see you around 10 then, emgonna pack some of my clothes" he says

" ok ill wait you" before i hang up


"Yeah? Whats it tae?" Im getting impatient what this fucker going to tell...

25 seconds of silence

" so...... did suga number 26 is fucking you right now? Did he grab jungkook to fuck me too?"

I sighed

" FUCK YOU!" And then i hanged up.. when i heard my phone have message notif.


-only jungkook will;)

I shook my head "he's damn crazy"

Ooohhyeeahhhhhhhhajakmamnsnmskkamakakaka..i cant understand my self rn.. stream on

This part is short


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