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"The heck is his fucking problem!" I mumbled to myself as i pack my things and get ready.. i grabbed my charger, my phone, some spare clothes and get downstairs.. i saw some other staff panicking.. i suddenly got the idea to find jimin and say goodbye to him

I look him, to dining room, balcony, downstairs and even upstairs but didnt find him... i scoffed

"Bullshit.. didnt even have the audacity to say goodby to me" i mumbled to myself and clicked my tounger at my cheeks..(A/N: LESSON LEARNED JIMIN! BETTER SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR HUSBAND FIRST BEFORE HE WOULD GO TO WORKKKL OK!?)

"GUYS ITS TIME!" I heared manager sejin shouted downstairs...and i started to walk downstairs.. when i was about to reach the door i glanced at the living room which connects to the kitchen and jin-hyung, and namjoon's room..but theres no sign of jimin

"Whats happening to me! Fucking shit.. i dont care about him.. he can die now if he wanted to!" I argue wit myself as i sat on the van on the windows side... the driver was manager sejin, on thr passenger seat was minseok hyung, our other staff, on my side was jungkook, on our back was namjin couple, and the second last row was hobi and another staff and in thr last row, 3 staffs again...i sighed

"Ok maybe he shouldnt die... thats just too hars to say isnt it?"i mumbled to myself and just close my eyes....



they reach the site where they will have a photoshoot and it was abandoned nuilding with lots of spray paint on it (A/n: yup.. bts once have a photoshoot in here.. idk if its abandoned tho.. i didnt search it cuz its liks 2:30 am now while im doing this chap. And even i like to search it, our wifi is already offed like 10 pl earlier)

"OK GUYS.. LETS PROCEED.. 15 MINUTES OF GETTING READY AND WE START THE PHOTOSHOOT!" The photographer shouted while glancing at his watch

"Ok guys... you heard the photographer.. just make it simple yet cool ok.. MAKE UP AND DESIGN & STYLE TEAM COME OVER HERE!"manager sejin shouted

"You, will be assigned on jungkook, you on hoseok, you and you on yoongi, and the resr are on namjoon and jin.. got it?" Manager sejin asked

"Yes sir!" They responsed

"Ok.. lets go to work!" Manager sejin clapped his hands and starts to walk away..

The design  & style team which is those staffs who will pick the model's clothes starts to ram the whole pile of clothes the management bought.. while make up team starts to build the folding chair for model and preparing their make up kits..

"Mr. Min yoongi please come over here and lets do your make up" a staff said and yoongi didnt even glance at the staffs cuz he was busy on his phone... the two staff which is a girl and guy starts to apply foundation on his pale skin..

"Please tilt your head for a second please" the girl staff said and suga did... she starts applying some light lip color/tint on yoongi's lips and yoongi feel the other staff was going to do his eyeliner but he still was focusing on his phone.. looking down on his phone rather

"You should take your eyes off first hyung and place them in front of your phone and come back here so i can do your hair and make up properly dont you think?" A voice boomed at yoongi's ears which made him jumped

"Wtf?? Kim taehyung? What the heck are you doing here and who's fucking with you" he said clutching to his chwst for being startled a few minutes earlier

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now