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This chapter wS supposed to be in chapter 11 means, this timezone where you can see its 4 AM in the morning.. its still dawn and  Jin waking jungkook's scene is already 7 Am in the morning.. its just like a flashback of yoongi waking early with namjoon then jin.


I know theres something's going on here.. i just fucking know.. i also know namjoon lied last night so we wont worry... but atleast they fed my holy tho..

I woke up in the middle of my sleep and i checked my phone its 4 in the morning. Well, ..



I never been like this.. once i sleep, i should wake up by someone!.. but this thing is different.. i cant sleep well when there is something bothering me

I walk downstairs to make myself a coffee and i saw namjoon there peacefully sipping his coffee in the kitchen island.. he glanced at me

"What the holy cow who kicked min yoongi in his ass while sleeping so he can wake up in 4 fucking A.M in thr morning?" He chuckled

"that fucking holy cow lied to me last night about talking with his PD if he send someone to clean the dorm or not" i saw him gulped and frozed and i just smirk..

i began filling the electric teapot an enough water just for my coffee and plug the socket while namjoon is just watching me

"You know namjoon, white lies is great sometimes just to protect someone or everyone, but you still have known it have its own consequences.. if they will know the truth someday, they can be mistaken if you are doing it for your selfishness or bad deeds.. you're lucky if they give you some time to expalin tho" i chuckled then the electric teapot make a "ting"  sound informing the water inside is already boiled..

I pour some water in my mug and place it on the kitchen island while making myself a coffee

"so tell me namjoon, what do you think is happening here? I told you guys me and jungkook heard something 'that day' though" i said while circling my small spoon om my coffee making 'ting' sounds...

I looked at him "well i dont believe in superstitions but i think its a ghost?" He says not surely..

"ghost can clean a house? Great" i put my mug down from sipping

" i dont know also hyung but lets just observe it for the next days" he says and i nodded...

2 bunch of hours is passed, we talk about the 'ghost?' Thing and about our comeback and near performances this next month when we suddenly stop because seokjin hyung is already awake to make breakfast.

He looked at me with shock " yoongi are you ok?" He says concerned and lift his palm in my forehead

"uhmm yeah?" I said

"you are not posessed are you" he said again then i sighed

"kim fucking namjoon calm your daddy here or i will shout so that your so called "babies" will wake up" i say still deadpanned and jin hyung looks at me with glossy eyes and step backwards to met namjoon's chest hitting his back

"h-how ca-can you say that i AM namjoon's daddy?  You-you just insult my position here mister" he told me with teary eyes

"im the queen of the fucking power bottom here yoongi!!! And how can you do that to your siblings? They are your baby brothers... you should let them rest!" And that he sobbed to namjoom's chest..

I sighed "ok im sorry" and i shaked my head and walk to the living room

"i wonder if i am still dreaming or i just madethe right choice joining this group" i sighed again then sip on my coffee... 30 minutes later, i heard crying, i slowly made my way to kitchen to place my mug on the sink but the crying now is whinning and .... and...


"Da-daddy p-please! Show how can you be a daddy of me namjoon please!! I- DADDY!" jin screams while his face is ducked on the kitchen island and namjoon fucking him on his back!

"Y-yes Yes!! Yes baby you take daddy's cok well! Look at that pink hole huh? You are daddy slut yeah?" And jin is moanig like a mess and with a 3 straight blink i made my way upstairs in the balcony to get some fresh air..

"What the fuck? This house is sinful already... im not going to the kitchen anymore" i said while panting from running

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