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I woke up a little late so I need to rush things like getting breakfast and taking a shower.. I ran to kitchen and toast some breads and put it on my plate.

I ran faster cuz I know im fucking late.. as I enter mr. Shin's Should I say palace? Or mansion? Well anyways, I saw his son named Junghwan which I will be tutoring....

(The tutor session did go well.. im tired to type and ideas keep going away for this scene so, gotta skip this up)

I glanced my watch and reads 4:30 pm while walking at the streets to go home.. i let out a long sigh "i almost stay at mr. Shin's house this whole day" I sighed again and keep walking while playing pebbles through my foot (w/c is well kicking pebbles) one stall, full of lights with purple wall curtain caught my attention..

I keep arguing if im going to check it or not, but I decide to go and check things.. "I like purple tho" while leaving a smile to let my inner fucking self that I've defeated him...I saw an old lady taking her nap.. I dont have intentions to wake her up so I decided to walk back but, yeah im stupid enough so i trip the shit out of me "shit" I mumbled to myself, my one foot stumbles at the ground and the old lady came and help me.

She startled at me and get up to walk me inside her stall and place me at her lil couch and get me a water.. "are you ok now jimin"?  while looking at me "Yeah im ok dont be wor-" I stare with wide eyes in almost a minute " why? H-how do you know my name?"

Still staring at her like a fool... she smirks at me and let out a small chuckle " well, I keep watching at you these past 4 years, and im very convinced, you deserve to get or experience what you want" i drink my water quickly and stare at her again "w-what do you m-mean?" She walks away and I left there like a dumbfounded and after minutes, she came back with a small bottle of something that I've been curious about "whats that kind of thing? " she looks at me at the eye and said " this bottle will make your wish came true," "wh-what w-wish are you s-saying?" Staring her with curiosity

"anything you wish for" my eyes grew wider

"a-anything"? My mind got crazier if this wasn't scam, I'll wish to bring back the past and hold the future to guide them "a-are you being serious right now? Is this a scam? " she chuckle

" no its not.. trust me, jimim, im just giving you what you deserved" I blink my eyes many times " wh-what if I wish to see someone and hold future to guide him through his success?" She leaned back at her seat "well dear, this old lady is figuring out something" she says.. I furrow my brows " what's this old lady's figured out then?" With sarcastic on my tone " is that person is an artist?" "Y-yeah, I just wanna change things up. I want to make their "suffer" shorter than it should be.. I will guide them through their success so they wont suffer any hate comments,  bashes,  even those who are calling them "plagiarism boys""...

"well,", she said, looking at me directly,  " this bottle will make those things come true" "what should I do about that then?  She keeps tappinh her fingers on a table from her pinky to her thumb "if your drink 1/4 of this bottle from its cap, even small drops from it, you'll be at their place whole day.."

she hands me the bottle and smile at me.. I dont even know if she's lying or not but ok, I'll try it.. there's nothing to lose about drinking thid kind of thing... I hope its not poisoned.. "is this not a poison?" Looking at her at the main entrance at his stall, she just chuckled "no of course, just trust me.. here's my no. If you did make it to the hospital for believing its a poison" she hand me a small paper with her cp no. 0*********** " I'll trust you in this then,..."

I smiled at her and turning back to head back home.. I forgot her name . I turned back " grandma, can I ask wha----" I stopped at my foot.. fuck, her stall was gone and I only seen dark and a big tree. . But im still holding the bottle she gave me..

I ran super fast to my house and catch my breath after slamming it behindd my back "calm down,  you leave her there . She's there" but my heart keeps beating fast like a horse race. I decided to think positive things in order to calm myself " summer vacation will start tommorow Jimin, positive, breath in, breath out" as I calm myself, I threw myself at my bed and glance at my wall clock wc reads its 7 pm already.. I ate my dinner and prepare myself and put on my bt21 another set of pjs and brush my teeth before going to bed and phone pops up with a message from mr. Shin

" hey jimin, were going to have a vacation at L.A with my family and we'll leave next day. You dont need to go here tommorow For junghwan's tutorial... we will be gone for 2 months but I wont forget your allowance kid. ok? Take care of yourself kid:-)"

I smile when he mention that sentence "I wont foget your allowance" hahha lol, im smiling like a fool.. I head to my desk and look at the bottle.. I pray for my life if I drink this thing, if its poison or not, I ready my phone to call 911 if there's emergengy.. "ok jimim, lets do this. Think positive jimim,.. its just for fun" I wish in my head that I wanna see bts and dip my finger through the bottle wc makes me a single drop of it as the grandma told me... I put it on my tounge and start dozing off, not realizing that I pass out in my desk...

for about minutes, I woke up with a tired eyes and hearing thise noise have never been heard before. I opened my eyes and my fuckingeyes didn't believe what it saw! 1st, in not my house and 2nd ....and 2nd.... it will be the death of me

"Jin hyuuuuunggggg" I try to shout loudly but no one responds... im confused now, so I ran quickly to jin-hyung who talking to namjoon-hyung and hug him but

"I-I-im I-invisible" as I stare at my bare hands beginning to cry

    yeah pips... fyi, 1156 words!!!!!! And yeah, its too early right? THIS STORY IS JUST 'SHORT STORY'...  byyeerrsss

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