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I have troubles on network so bear withe me ! ㅋ charr.. mangiras ak labat ya talaga.. sorna agad


Im sleeping until i felt someone's bumping from my side, i stirred on my sleep and saw jimin hyung tied on a chair and had a towel on his mouth.. i def. Wanna scream but i literally notice my condition was same as him

"HMMMMMM!!! HMMMMMMM!!!" I widen my eyes and start to panick... i feel my throat getting itchy and beads of sweat was dripping on my both cheek side.. i tried to stand up but i got trip because of the rope on my foot...i watch as ami cry hard and jimin hyung forcing himself not to..


"But but but... l-look a-at them! T-they a-are hurting my babies namjoon! Do something!!" I heard a voice says and

Wait, what?

My mouth went agape when i remembered what happen before we got here... i stared at them with shock

I saw jin-hyung was crying his eyes out and clutching on his boyfriend's shirt while namjoon-hyung is rubbing his back due to jin-hyung was already hiccuping cuz of his sob and cries....

"D-do Some-something please!!! N-namjoon!!" Jin hyung wailed again and started to stomp his foot and burried his head into namjoon's chest...hoseok hyung sighs

"Whatever jin-hyung, just go to them" hoseok hyung says and jin-hyung ran to me and kneel on front of jimin-hyunh and hugged him

"I-its o-ok... we w-wont hurt y-you... just pro-promise that you'll not g-going somewhere for a while... pl-please.. or those guys will m-make you stay like this and call the p-police" jin-hyung plead with teary eyes.. jimin hyunh glance at me and i nodded at him.. he then turn back his head onto jin hyunh and nod again

"G-good children" he says and kissed jimin-hyung's forehead and start untying his legs then his foot and lastly his arms on the back and the towel on his mouth.... i heard namjoon-hyung and hobi-hyung sighs and walked over us and did the same thing jin-hyung did to jimin hyung om me and ami...

"Lets go to the living room and dont you dare fucking leave or ill fucking search the whole fucking korea to find your fucking stupid ass" suddenly a low voice spoke with vemom from a dark side of the room we currently are and its yoongi-hyung

We start to make our way into living room downstairs and we flop our asses into them... jimin-hyung, ami, me, and jin-hyung was sitting on the long sofa while yoongi-hyung and namjoon-hyung was sitting on the solo chair on our both sides... hobi and jungkook were standing and resting their one leg to the arm rest and suddenly jungkook gasp

"I fucki-facing knew it!!! You were the one who stops me when im driving that time!!! H-how!!" Jungkook was about to curse but then jin-hyung glared at him with stiff face and puffy eyes.. he then rose up from his position and point his fingers on me who was head is hanging low and cover his of my hands on his mouth, not really processing whats going on here....

"Are you sure? I heard that time there was an accident?.... " yoongi-hyung asked and jungkook nodded

"Yes hyung! And he knew my name and he says im safe now! And when i saw him literally with those outfit and his curly hair, i almos-no.. i really eye-fucked hi-" jungkook was cut off when namjoon cleared his throat..

I cant help to blush! Like my crush, my daddy, my world, my everything just, j-just c-checket me ou-out!. I think im gonna cry.. i bit my lip and hang my head low and start to play on my shirt.. i cant cry infront of them.. he wants to fuck me and that was a privellege.. thingking it more wanna burst me to cry harder but

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