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"So we gonna go to" hoseok said and pulled ami.. when jimin was alone in the terrace he sighed and push her hair looking stressed

Infact he wasnt on his man period today, its just that he is jealous.. yes you read that right he is jealous to yoongi and izumi.. yes they kiss and make out one time, and that should suppose to make him more special but the time, he always spends time with izumi like the first day he thought theyre gonna hate the woman cuz of her bad attitude well most of them hate her but yoongi doesnt..

Yoongi and izumi had a lot of things in common like izumi know how to play guitar and for the third day they were staying here he cought the two laughing and jamming along while playing guitar. The girl knows how to rap too that leave yoongi so impressed.. he might kiss jimin but he always spends time with the girl, its atleast 2 more days until they will go to home and none of his plan works on how he will spend time with yoongi, he sighed


So they started the shoot and the game was volleybal but in the pool. The pool at the front of their villa was lowkey deep so they coulndt play volleyball in there so fortunately they talked to the manager of the resort they were in and asked for a pool with the wayer level at their waist and the manager gladly do so as they guide bts to the other villa which was vacant and start their shoot

So as for jimin, the water is nice and it reached to his ribs and the fact that he got aquaphobia makes things difficult but he didnt utter a word. His foot can reach thr tiles so its okay, theyre divided into 2 groups consists of  yoongi, hoseok, izumi, and jungkook while in the other was ami, jin, taehyung, and jimin while namjoon was the host and watching the scores

Yoongi's team was on their 7 pts already and then 3 more they will be announced as winner whike on jin's team it was 6

Jungkook served the ball and its lowky difficult for them to move cause of the water sorrounding them but its fine. The ball was not that hard and not that soft until jungkook served the ball and taehyung defensed it back while yoongi tossed it then hoseok spiked and jin's team couldnt able to spike it back

"Yoongi's team 8 points" namjoon announced and oohhs and woahhss was heard.. jimin was fine untik he saw izumi giggled and squealed like a peepsqueak and hugged yoongi, he kinda lost it

"Okay game" jimin said and served the ball that reach trough yoongi's area but that was sudden move that made yoongi not able to catch if cuz of the lack of time and the ball fall down to the water making jimin smirk and look at yoongi and izumi.. okay izumi feels the tension so she wont let her guard down either

"Okay for jin's team its 7"

"Game" hoseok said and served the ball while ami tossed it and ami jin spiked it back to yoongi's team yoongi tossed it and izumi collected all of her strength and force and to spike the ball hard that made its way to jimin and it hits jimin right in the face that made jimin bleed his nose and lowey madr him dizzy


" hey hey its ok its ok" yoongi reassured her and the girk just nodded 'wOrrIeDlY'

"Yah jiminah youre bleeding" taehyung said worriedly and waddled to jimin and jimin wiped it with his wet sleeve

"Are you okay?" Ami said walked to them

"I-im o-okay ju-just dizzy" hes about to put his hand on bis hesd but his legs wobbled that made him stumble a bit that made him grab taehyung for support

"Omg jimin.. namjoon hyung can we have a break? I think jimin can pass out any minute" tae shouted as namjoon nodded

"Jungkook carry him and sit him here" namjoon said and jungkook carried jimin bridal style and sit the older to the chair

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now