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Min yoongi's Pov

I'm not fond of people that's why i dont have problem even this 4 other lil members with shits are gone... i dont have problem either if im alone in the dark forest or even at the top of mt. Everest as long as i have my phone and my headphone.. if the government sends me to 100 years sleep and rest im gladly voluntering myself and if they ask me whats one thing i would love to add at the project beside foods, its kumamon... if marrying kumamon is legal, im definetely married since my mom and dad went on their honeymoon or even my grandma is still planning on my mom..

So here we are at the kitchen, Jin, our mother hen is scolding our great leader known as Namjoon for breaking jin's pink 'cute lil cups'... (thats what he says tho) well actually its namjoon's 46th cups now so jin decided that namjoon,' the great great great God of destruction' is using plastice wares now.. i think his ancestors of being 'god of destruction' are so proud of him.. he can even destroy the world.. i sigh and look at the other members...

Jungkook is watching tv in the living room and hobi is eating his dinner while scrolling his phone..

" hoseok-ah, didnt i tell you guys dont use phone while eating?" He says in calm voice

"what's  the reason again hyung?" He asked with total confusion.. he sighs and gently approaching the island table

"its disgracing me" we looked at each other ans i spoke

"how can it disgracing you?" I asked while one or my eyebrows are on furrowed type... he sighs again and look at me

"think of it mr. Pale grumpy grandpa of garfield,.. this food" he says while lifting hoseok's plate

"is my art, how can you ignore this pretty things i made myself by using your phone on table? Are you two serious right now? I made this, so its beautiful too... all i made is too beautiful for you guys, this pretty food shoukd not be ignored cause it means your ignoring the pretty ME too!!! Even my pores are pretty but sorry i dont have one.. my poop is beautiful cause i worked hard for it! Even my sweats! They are cute lil pink sweat drops!!!" He says nearly shouting.

"Sweat is not pink hyung, its whi-" but before i say 'white' he cutted me off


i let a loud sigh and put my hands on the air as  a sign of giving up

"calm down jin-hyung, thise sweats are pink and they are cute and pretty like you.. but you're prettier" namjoon almost cooed. I mumbled to myself 'fucking whipped'

"i know your the great member of this group namjoon cause you appreciate beautiful things, not only my face but it doesnt still change the fact that you are still using plasticwares you dumbass... im afraid what your powers will target next.. is it something or someone's neck.." jin says while namjoon is pouting like a baby near crying.. hobi and i laughed

"thats too much hyung" and we laughed again but this time we are walking to sit in living room w/c is jungkook watching tv,.. when all of us have all sitted down in living room,

"Hobi hyung, why are you all laughing? What's so funny? And why namjoom hyung is pouting like that?" Jungkook asked with confuse face

" this what happen tae.................------" hobi tell what happened earlier at kitchen while jungkook, jin, and hobi is laughing their ass out.. i cant help but chuckle a bit. I just stop chuckling when i heared light sobs, i looked at namjoon if he's crying but he's not... i think the sob last until 1-3 mins. I guess? Hobi turned his head on me

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