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"Can you just like stop walking back and fort like that and sit your pretty bulky ass in this fucking sofa for a reason cuz not gon' lie you making me dizzy" tae said as he shake his head sighing, i looked at him

"What are we going to do about it? " i said stoping my actions and sat beside him dramatically

"Simple, were goinf to join the raffle oppa" ami answered while drinking chocolate milk in a carton box

"'Simple?' I meannnn theres billion armys just like us in this whole fucking world and theyre going to choose just 3, our chances were like 10 out 100 %!" I said rubbing my forehead to my cheeks squeezing 'em

"You said it yourself that there are many armys in this whole world not just us and the chances are low but theres nothing wrong trying right? Its not like if you lose the raffle they will cut your throat or something" tae said grabbing unopened carton box of chocolate milk drink infront of ami whos holding a plastic tupperware full of the sweet beverages

"Yeah youre right taetae but.... i-....i just dont want to hope th-that ill see him that close again an-and get my heart broken again" i hugged my knees and cry not able to control my emotions of remembering my yoongi and the weight of my hot tears treathening to fall down.

Yes, its been almost 2 years since the beautiful accident happened to me and my friends. I already graduated but jobless cuz i want to rest for a bit before i start to kill the shit out of me by woking again. But as the other says was indeed true, "feelings stays even we begged them to leave" me on that, its proven and tested.

"S-stop crying minmin" tae said as i felt him rub my back and i lift my head up meeting his teary eyes and his lips turn into a thin line stopping himself from crying

"Yeah oppa stop that because were going to cry tooooo" amis said and with that ami sobbed and then theres tae failed to protect his eyes from dust and cold wind floating in the air making their eyes watery. Damn, i cried again so were now all sobbing

"I-i miss *hick* ho-hobiiii" ami wailed

"*sniff* i m-miss my k-koookkiee *hicc*" tae stomped his foot wailing

"I-i mi-miss m- *hicc* my yoooniee!" I said while looking at the other 2 bawling their eyes out and put my arms on the floor shoving my face in their and sobbing on the floor. Tae then pat me and i lift my head seeing the both of them inviting me for a group hug, i didnt doubt and dive into their warm embrace still crying

"Almighty please give us the chancceee im going to be a good person an-and i-i will n-not pull am-ami's hair even when sh-she say she wan-wants to switch ass!" Tae sobbed hard

"Fu-uck youuuu~" i cried harder on him and now the 3 of us looked like were shooting at the sky house



ARMY! We will announce the said winners tommorow at 5 pm. and for the clarification, if you are from overseas beside south korea and japan, we will just have to roll the raffle box to pick 10 overseas winners to win all versions of army bomb and the latest album of BTS! It is our mistake not to inform armys immediately about the sudden change of the plan but lets see who will be the lucky 3! Goodluck!


-wait wtf? I stayed up all night for nothin-welp ok. All versions of army bomb and a new album is worth it cuz im broke af. Goodluck K&J Armys!

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