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The sun is slowly setting up.. the birds starts to chirp and some vehicle's are heard from outside and theres jimin, starts groaning and stirring on his sleep...

"Hmmmmm" jimin groans and turn his head on the other side.. he was sleeping on his stomach (lol.. not literally inside his stomach huehuure..yknow what i mean)

"Agghhhhhh" another growl slips into someone's mouth...

'Hmmm?? Did tae sleep with me last night?' Jimin asked himself and  slowly sit up and rubbed my eyes

"T-taehyun- OWIIEEE WWW OWWW" he gropped his head because of its throbbing pain ( lol. Dont read jimin's pov on this sentence that loud.. they'll think youre a dog...and jimin had 2 heads.. i was talking about his head with ears and eyes😑😑) he slowly opened his eyes an-

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed and yoongi wake up in no time but because jimin slapped him

"OOOWWW WHAT THE FUCK" yoongi yelled at jimin and jimin just continued to scream

"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SCREAMING!! ITS 7 AM IN THE FUCKING MORNIN-" when he was avout to finish his words, his door suddenly opened and there stands a man with pink bunny headband, pink pajamas, and pink fluffy slippers

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"  jin screamed and other members gathered into yoongi's room

"What the fuck is going on here on exactly 7 Am im the morn- oohhh" namjoon said as he covered jin's mouth using his hand.. and yoongi did the same to jimin

"Wheres taehyung? Why is he not here??? Is he my your room!!??? Or did he jusy go to bathroom?" Jungkook panicked and leave yoongi's room to find taehyung

"Omygod.. the day had finally cum (charr😂😂) come!!! The day where the battery returned to his remote!, the tree came back to its roots!, the love returned to his heart!, the ink returned to its pen!, the light returned to its sunshin-"hosoek spoke when jin cutted him out

"Stop that hoseok.. go find your girl downstairs" jin said and hoseok run dowasntairs to find ami

-meanwhile, tae and ami on jimin's house-

A yawn escape to taehyung's mouth as he walked to the bathroom to do his morning routine.. he then checked ami who was drooling on the mattress and feet on the headboard of the bed.. taehyung chuckled at the sight

"Hmm.. as your cousin? I remember that you set your alarm on 7:15.. why make it earlier than that?" Tae talked to himself with big grin... he take a deep breath and

"WHO IN THE HELL PUT THE MUFFINS IN THE FREEZER!!!! I DID!! WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!!?? NOTHING! TUG TUG TUG!! I DID!!!MUFFINS ON THE FREEZE-" ami then stopped tae from singing that song craze on tiktok (lets just say in 2019, tiktok is already an popular app) tae then stumbled and caress his tummy because of laughter

"Y-you yourr face lo-looks like a donkey bac-back there!!" Taehyung laughed and ami continue to hit him with a pillow

"You fucking son of a bitch!! Im gonna do my morning routine so you better prepare breakfast you peasant!" Ami shouted and slam the door on the bathroom..

Taehyung's laugh ended.. he wipes his tears cause by laughing and head towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast.. when he was about to grab the pan, he suddenly remembered jimin

"For sure jimin hyung had a headache for now" he told himself and starts to walk into jimin's room

"Jimin hyung... you looked like a duck last night because you drank too much an-" he opened the older's door and spotted the bed empty

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now