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After cleaning namjoon hyungs room i went to clean the next room i was assigned to clean..

So i was here, in the middle of the day, in the month of november in my baby and my boyfriend slash my daddy and my future husband no other than jeon jungkook..

Thats right! Im Jeon taehyung!!.. you can call me jungkook's baby, husband, or even wife!!

I laughed to myself while walking to reach jungkook's room..oh! Wait




I gasped "OH.MY.GOD!!" i covered my mouth with my hands

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" i said again

"if in english, room is called room the. In korean translation of room is bang! And mr. Bang sihyuk! Their producer and Ceo of bighit! Oh my god!! Mr. bang sihyuk or Mr. Room sihyuk im going to know the truth behind your name!"

"I will tell this to jimin so i can tell him that i even surpassed einstein's IQ for this problem"  I told my self and chin up and open jungkook's room..

I entered then i saw scrambed papers and took them "oh, the bunny teeth looks like writing his song" i smile to myself and crambed it up again "i dont want to spoil myself even in my real time and world i already heard it" i chuckled..

I started to clean his room with swipping the floor to throwin all garbages in the trash can and wiping some object with dust.. and last.....

Putting his dirty clothes to laundry basket..

I started to picking up some of his clothes scattered all over in the floor then i saw something and my eyes went wider!

"OH MY FUCKING BOXERS WITH  IRONMAN DESIGN!" I feel myself tearing up and i cant help myself so i cried..
Literally.. "THATS SO FUCKING CUTE!!!!!" i sobbed out louder

After a minutes to sope opera-ing in jungkook's room, i have the widest grin on my face then lift up jungkook's boxers and looked at it with wideat smirk.."hmmmmmm.....ok" then i left his room to go to the living room so i can inform the dwarfie that im done cleaning...



after taetae left, i sighed and already left to go to namjoon hyung's room to hobi hyungs room and lastly,.... yoongi hyung's room..

once i opened it, i push myself inside and start cleaning and i heard tae's voice .. i sighed "i hope he is not doing bad... or even planning bad! "

I throw his dirty clothes to the laundry basket and clean somd mess. After i finished cleaning i look at those pictures in his walls ..its a picture of him and his family when he is little.. i smiled "aww.. arent you so cute?" I giggled " your soon to be wife or husband must be so very lucky to have you" i smiled sadly while cressing his cheeks in the picture using my thumb and index finger "imagine? My dream man is in the care of other man or woman" i sighed "i wish i just could spend some time with you even if it just a dream.. in a dream that full of wonders where you and me loves each other.. that dream that we feel the same way" i smiled sadly again and i feel tears streaming down my cheeks "i wish...i-i w-wis-wish" i sobbed out and faced my back against the wall and i let my head down

I sighed "i wish you were mine" i stand up to go to his bed to fold his blankets and i saw something that brought bavk my smile "so the 'kumamon obsession' is real" i giggled... i was about to speak again but



  so hello! I didnt update a long time cuz im having  a busy sched and i have wifi problems ㅋㅋ

As i say, this is JUST A FANFIC  so in the next chapters im going to use jungkook's accident, black ocean, and the MAMA awarding w/c hwasa performed!!! Byeeee

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now