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"Erm.... what are you doing????" Yoongi said staring at the younger whos pinning him at the back of his own room door.

"Uhhh???" Yoongi then said with one brows up and the younger blinked 3 times and then remove his hands on the older's arm and cleared his voice

"You didnt change in a bit"jimin whispered to himself staring at the older nonstop cuz when u fucking saw min yoongi in person what would u do? Ofc he a good and fine man so you should look at him with wide eyes and realize how his face is perfect but yourself look liked a mash potato

"Uhm what? Changgeee what???"yoongi said full of confusion. Firstly Confused why did the man suddenly pushed him and then caged him like he was a prey and second why was this man is acting strange. He thinks he is weird

"E-erm.. i-i wan-wanna go to th-the bathro-room" jimin said stuttering realizing how strange his acts for the older

"Oh.. yeah over-" yoongi was about to lift his arms but the shorter male suddenly turn his heels and walked to the bathroom that leave the older stunned. He watch the shorter male walking away while both of his hands are covering his face with his smol fingers with the paws that creates by his sweater (A/n: jiminies outfit of this   ep. Was the one that he wore on spring day mv) then he shaked his head amusingly and smirked


"So im kim namjoon, the leader of Boy group called bts which compose of-" "bab-joon... they are our fans, they know that" seokjin said smilingly to the 4 sitting tidily at the couch in their living room downstairs

"Yeah hehe please pardon me for that.. soooo yeah, you all know us and i think its your turn to introduce yourself, lets start with the shortest of you" namjoon said that made ami and  taehyung laugh their ass off that the other stared at the two cackling hyenas with 'the heck is their problem' face but jungkook dont give a fuck cuz his ears are blessed with a laugh of an angel obviously from a certain male with a boxy smile and hoseok cupped his face with both of his hands staring at a certain girl's beauty and a laugh thats music to his ears

"W-we wer-were so-sorry its just" taehyung stopped his words and put his left hand on his heart to calm himself and breathe slowly

"Ahemm... were sorry for that hyungies but we cant force ourself to laugh knowing our bestfriend over here" taehyung raised his voice at 'here' and tilt his head where jimin was sitting behind him "is kinda annoyed when it comes to height"

And all of them snapped their heads unto jimin's direction with a pout with a rage and flare and agony and an emotion that aliens can only define with a black aura around him

"Silence! Yoongi-hyung is shorter than me so he should introduce himself first!" Jimin whines like a baby that made jin coos at him

"Awww a baby is whinning come here, come to mama" jin says and walked to jimin's direction and gently patting his head.. jimin suddenly felt like crying. Its like the first time they met.

"Yoongi youre shorter than him so introduce" jin says not glancing on the grumpy cat behind the couch and namjoon while standing beside jungkook who's busy drooling at the male with a boxy smile

"But namjoon said they all know us and im taller-" "yoongs shut the flock up please and just introduce" jin cutted yoongi that made the other older of the group heave a sigh and rolled his eyes

"There there dont be sad anymore" jin said and continouly patting jimin's head and the younger muttered a small "thank you" and smile and jin smiled back and then jin returned to his seat

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now