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Jimin's POV

"I know you're in here"

slowly he's approaching me again and i cant form any words on my mouth due to shock... i walked backwards until i reached the edge of the window..

Im about to speak "h-how can-" but he cutted me off and face the sofa in his left side..

"cmon min holly speak,bark, or sing if you wanted to... i saw you wag your tail and hide under this freaking sofa so come out now, no need to hide anymore"

my mouth shaped 'o' and look at the sofa then i saw a wagging tail... minutes passed and min holly, my husband's dog came out from her nest...

"good morning holly, cmon now im sorry im going to leave you alone in this house again... your owner have dance practice later. Be a good dog for me ok?" He says while patting the dog"s head..

and holly then barked like she understand.....they both go out of the room and left me there whith my heartbeat like a racing horse or something..."phew, i thought that grandpa saw me" i shake my head and go out of the room too and saw tae sitting in the living room with his legs on the top of the other leg... i approach him and sat beside him

"so, are you done mind fucking yoongi in his room?" He says i rolled my eyes while we both watching the 5 members eating their breakfast

"yep, and he almost tear my ass up" i says with srcasm on my tone..

"What about jungkook?" I asked

"well, i almost eat him whole.. even his hands looked like delicious,.. his collar bone, his tummy, his fingers, his jaw, his lips, his thighs!! His DIC-" i covered his mouth

"no need to tell your sex life tae. Shut it... my yoongi is more good in making love with me" i stick out my tounge

"stil dreaming fucker" he then stick his tounge on me...

"So, 1 pm is our dance practice.. i think if we are lucky we can go home in 10 pm sharp but if the choreo is too hard for us to handle in one day, then we will go home 12 am or even worse 1 am" namjoon says while eating.. the members all nod then jin drop his spoon and face the other members

"is that what i taught you guys? Is that how you show your respect to your father!?" Jin sayd and they all groaned and then one by one they say "okay i understand" and they continue eating with silence again

"oh shoot! Its already 11:30 am.. we still have little time until we go to the building but we have to go now.. traffic is too bad.. cmon eat fast" namjoon says and put his plate on the sink while the other member is eating their food fast

"lets just clean this tomorrow.. our sched. Tomorrow is free so we have one day to clean the dorm" namjoon says again and headed to his room while the other members are rushing things too and headed on their own rooms...

"Tae" i says and tae looked at me "i think we have tasks to do" i say again while grinning on him.. he furrowed his eyebrows and says

"what?" I sighed

"youre slower than turtle tae" he looked at me with shock

"what!?? Im slower than yoongi-hyung!!??" I glared at him

"tomorrow they have none of their shedule but they are cleaning this house instead of resting. What do you think?" I says and he nods

"i understand... ok we will clean the house.. im cleaning jungkook's room too" he says while wiggling his eyebrows.. i sighed

"tae... if youre planning ridiculous please stop it.. im begging you!"

"Cmon cmon.. bring all things you needed" namjoon says while rushin on the door and followed by other members

"BYE DADDY KOOKIEE!!" He says while showing his boxy smile when jungkook is heading in the door.. i rolled my eyes and saw yoongi is going to go ou too

"holly be a good girl ok?" He shouted

"BYE BABY! TAKE CARE!" i says and he headed out.. tae and i both looked at each other and we both laugh...

"Are we allowed to touch things? Or shoukd we go back and drink 5 drops of potion?" He asked

"i dont know.. cmon we'll test" i looked at the small table at living room

"lemme touch this remote" i said while breathing heavily

"cmon lets do it" i closed my eyes while reaching thr remote and it surprised me when i actually grabbed it

"ohmygod tae.. i can touch and hold it!!" I say excitedly

"cmon lets cleeeaaaaaannn uppppppppp!!!" And we both clean and singing bts songs loudly like a maniac.. tae did the dishes while me vacuming in the living room and put the pile of clothes everywhere in laundry area... when were both done we looked at each other

"tae, its time for rooms.. i clean the 3 rooms, you clean 2.. i'll clean yoongi-hyung room, hobi-hyung-s room, and jin-hyung's room... got it?" I says and he smiled at me and do the 'ok' sign (👌) ...


-im not sure if min holly the great is a girl but i address holly as a girl here.....

- this chapter is boring and this story but if youre willing to read it then why not? I dont have intentions to leave this story tho.. im gonna finish it no matter what... yiieeuuuttt have a shitty day!!!!

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