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"fucking art"i stared at the mirror with my left hand lifting my shirt that expose my neck with the hickey yoongi-hyung gave me...

I suddenly remembered all the scene yesterday, from the words he said and how posesive he was.. i got goosebumps at the thought yoongi bein posessive towards me... i touched my lips and remembered the kiss.. the fucking kiss, if hr didnt stop that moment i swear i grt laid already.. i sighed and walked outside revealing tae , ami and jin

"OH WHAT THE HECK!" i grabbed my chest and catching my breath "are you guys a ghost or something! You almost gave me a heart ache!" I yelled at them but they didnt flinched, orherwise, the both gays grab my arms and throw me in the bed.. they both sat up while looking at me intensely

"Wh-what? Why a-are you staring m-me like th-that?" I asked nervously

"You are so slow jimin oppa, like a freaking turtle!" Ami huffed and taehyunb stared at her with confusion written on his face

"I think were gonna make jimin talk how he and yoongi-hyung fucked? But why are we talking about yoongi-hyung now?" Taehyung asked

"What do you mean?" Ami said

"You said turtle.."


"Thats was yoongi-hyung" tae answered that made the other throw a fits of laughter exluding jimin.. when they notixed that jimin was still infront of them, ami thrn cleared her throat

"Ok ok stop....Spill the tea" ami said and crossed her arms

"Wh-what?" I asked that made jin-hyung sigh and points on my neck.. i blushed again

"Aww our mochi is blusshing! Is he big!??" Taehyung suddenly said making me choke on air

"Oooooohhh! You choked!? So its indeed big!" Ami said

"Wha-what no!!!" I said defensely

"So what did you guys do!??"taehyung asked

"We just maked out.. thats all" i said

"Fucking weak.. i thought your ass got laid already!" Jin-hyung asked and i just blushed

"Wh-why would he will do t-that to me.. im not his boyfriend anyways" i said and sighed

"Being fucked by a guy who is not your boyfriend is good.. trust me, its proven and tested..." jin-hyung said proudly

"How do say so oppa?" Ami asked

"Well, we were like just one week trainee butni already saw this man with a IQ of 148 and my gay heart and hole both clenched and i was like 'damnnn.. that boy has thick thighs.. i think his namcock is thick too' and i start to tease the shit out of him like swaying my hips and ass in front of him and at the age of 17, my ass got lai by a monster in bed and after that we started dating until now" jin-hyung said proudly and thr tree of ud looked at jin-hyunv with wide mouth

"Wooahhh.. wild" taehyung said and jin-hyung just smiled.

"Now tell me the whole story"

Jimin told what happen and they cant believe thag the cold hearted yoongi who will take a nap during and earthquake or black hole ready to eat him alive was actually jealous.. and continur to losten to jimin with mouth agape


"You will grab him on the backstage tommorow when we finish our shoot and then run to the rooftop, me and the rest will put fairy lights on it and we will make up the place like you were dating!.. and ofc, food!...then tell him that you are sorry and you like him...and ofc ask him out, we will just look out if theres person who was about to enter the stairs to ho to rooftop. simple as that!" Jin beamed at yoonvi who was staring at the wind, probably thinking...

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